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Actor roles settings

Use this page to define settings for SOAP actor roles. The SOAP actor, also known as the SOAP role, defines the intermediary or ultimate recipient of a message.

To view this administrative console page use one of the following options:

  1. Click Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications.

  2. Select an application containing web services. The application must contain a service provider or a service client.

  3. Click the Service provider policy sets and bindings link or the Service client policy sets and bindings in the Web Services Properties section.

  4. Select a binding. The binding must have previously attached a policy set and assigned a application specific binding.

  5. Click the WS-Security policy in the Policies table.

  6. Click the Actor roles link in the Main message security policy bindings section.

This administrative console page applies only to JAX-WS applications.

Inbound actor role URI

Name of the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the inbound actor role.

Outbound actor role URI

Name of the uniform resource identifier (URI) for the outbound actor role.

Related tasks

  • Define and manage policy set bindings
  • Manage policy sets using the administrative console