Install enterprise application files
As part of deploying an application, you install application files on a server configured to hold installable modules.
Before we can install the Java EE application files on an application server, you must assemble modules as needed.
Also, before you install the files, configure the target application server. As part of configuring the server, determine whether the application files can be installed to the deployment targets.
Supported configurations: Installation of new Java EE specification levels are not allowed on deployment targets that do not support the specified Java EE level. For example, if an application contains modules with an EJB deployment descriptor level of 3.1 (part of Java EE 6), the application cannot be installed on an application server that does not support Java EE 6, such as application server versions prior to Version 8. Further, if an application contains Java EE 6 annotations, the application cannot be installed on an application server that does not support the Java EE 6 specification level, even if the application contains an EJB deployment descriptor for a previous version of the supported Java EE specification level; for example, EJB 3.0 which is part of Java EE 5.
We can install the following enterprise modules on a server:
- Enterprise archive (EAR)
- Enterprise bean (EJB)
- Web archive (WAR)
- Session Initiation Protocol(SIP) module (SAR)
- Resource adapter (connector or RAR)
- Application client modules
Application client files can be installed in a WAS configuration but cannot be run on a server.
Complete the following steps to install the files.
- Determine which method to use to install the application files. The product provides several ways to install modules.
- Install the application files using
- Administrative console
- (dist)(zos) Drag and drop to a monitored directory
- wsadmin scripts
- Java administrative programs that use JMX APIs
- Start the deployed application files using
- Administrative console
- wsadmin startApplication
- Java programs that use ApplicationManager or AppManagement MBeans
What to do next
Save the changes to the administrative configuration.
When saving the configuration in multiple-server environments, synchronize the configuration with the nodes where the application is expected to run.
Avoid trouble:
- We must use either the administrative console or wsadmin scripting to synchronization a node. Of these two options, using the administrative console is the best way to perform this operation. The Nodes panel in the administrative console includes the Synchronize operation.
If use wsadmin scripting to synchronize a node, use the NodeSync mbean's sync() command.
- Do not restart the node agent as part of the synchronize node process. Administration operations, such as node synchronization for application deployment, or updates that take place while the node agent is starting, that are initiated through the node agent, and affect the application servers, fail until the node agent has a chance to discover the application servers.
Important: After any change to application deployment or mapping, it is always best to generate and propagate the plugin-cfg.xml. For the production environment, make sure the generated plugin-cfg.xml is correct because the propagation of the plugin to the target web server will cause the plugin configuration properties to be reloaded.
Next, test the application. For example, point a web browser at the URL for a deployed application. Typically, the URL is http://hostname:9060/web_module_name, where hostname is the valid web server and 9060 is the default port number. Examine the performance of the application. If the application does not perform as desired, edit the application configuration, then save and test it again.
If the application contains many classes with annotations and takes a long time to deploy, we can reduce annotation searches to speed up deployment. See the topic on reducing annotation searches during application deployment.
- Installable enterprise module versions
The contents of a Java EE module affect whether we can install the module on a deployment target. A deployment target is a server or a cluster with at least one member on a WAS product.
- Ways to install enterprise applications or modules
The product provides several ways to install Java EE application files.
Related tasks:
Assemble applicationsInstall enterprise application files with the console Example: Install an EAR file using the default bindings Example: Install a web services sample with the console
(dist)(zos) Install enterprise application files by adding them to a monitored directory
(dist)(zos) Install enterprise application files by adding properties files to a monitored directoryUse application properties files to install, update, and delete enterprise application files Start or stop enterprise applications Configure enterprise application files Deploy Install enterprise applications Start applications Use administrative programs (JMX) Reducing annotation searches during application deployment Troubleshooting deployment