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Example: Install an EAR file using the default bindings

If application bindings were not specified for all enterprise beans or resources in an enterprise application during application development or assembly, we can select to generate default bindings. After application installation, we can modify the bindings as needed using the console.

The application can run on a web server.

The steps describe how to install a simple .ear file using the default bindings. We can follow the steps to install any application, including applications provided in the Samples section of the information center.

  1. Click Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application in the console navigation tree.

  2. On the first Preparing for application install page, specify the full path name of the EAR file.

    1. For Path to the new application, specify the full path name of the .ear file. For this example, the base file name is my_appl.ear and the file resides on a server in the sample_apps directory.

      (iseries) For this example, the base file name is my_appl.ear and the file resides on a server at /home/myuserid/myapps. Thus, enter the fully qualified path name for the file, /home/myuserid/myapps/my_appl.ear.

      Optionally, select Remote file system and click Browse. On the Browse Remote Filesystems page, select the node that runs on the server which holds my_appl.ear and the EAR file name.

      (zos) Click sample_apps, my_appl.ear, and then OK.

      (iseries) Assuming the node is MYISERIES, click MYISERIES, home, * myuserid, myapps, my_appl.ear *, and then OK.

      Click C:/, sample_apps, my_appl.ear, and then OK.

    2. Click Next.

  3. On the second Preparing for application install page, choose to generate default bindings.

    1. Expand Choose to generate default bindings and mappings.

    2. Select Generate default bindings.

      Use the default bindings causes any incomplete bindings in the application to be filled in with default values. The product does not change existing bindings. By choosing this option, we can skip many of the steps of the application installation wizard and go directly to the Summary step.

    3. Click Next.

  4. If application security warnings are displayed, read the warnings and click Continue.

  5. On the Install New Application page, click the step number for Map modules to servers, and verify the cell, node, and server onto which the application files will install.

    1. From the Clusters and servers list, select the server onto which the application files will install.

    2. Select all of the application modules.

    3. Click Next.

    On the Map modules to servers page, we can map modules to other servers such as web servers. If we want a web server to serve the application, use the Ctrl key to select an application server or cluster and the web server together in order to have the plug-in configuration file plugin-cfg.xml for that web server generated based on the applications which are routed through it.

  6. On the Install New Application page, click the step number for Summary.

  7. On the Summary page, click Finish.

What to do next

Examine the application installation progress messages. If the application installs successfully, save the administrative configuration. We can now see the name of the application in the list of deployed applications on the Enterprise applications page accessed by clicking Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications in the console navigation tree.

If the application does not install successfully, read the messages to identify why the installation failed. Correct problems with the application as needed and try installing the application again.

If the application has a web module, try opening a browser on the application.

  1. Point a web browser at the URL for the deployed application.

    The URL typically has the format http://host:9060/web_module_name, where host is the valid web server and 9060 is the default port number.

  2. Examine the performance of the application.

If the application does not perform as desired, edit the application configuration, then save and test it again.

Related concepts

  • Application bindings

    Related tasks

    Samples, v8.5 information center
  • Install enterprise application files with the console
  • Mapping modules to servers
  • Install enterprise application files

  • Preparing for application installation settings
  • Preparing for application installation binding settings
  • Enterprise application collection