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Example: Install a web services sample with the console

The product provides a web services sample application that we can install on an application server.

Download and extract the JaxWSServicesSample sample application. Ensure that the product installation has a Version 7.x or later application server onto which we can install the Web Services Sample.

The JaxWSServicesSamples.ear enterprise application and supporting Java archives (JAR) files are located in the installableApps directory within the JaxWSServicesSamples sample application.

This topic describes how to install and start the JaxWSServicesSamples.ear enterprise application using an console.

  1. Click Applications > New Application > New Enterprise Application in the console navigation tree.

  2. On the first Preparing for the application installation page, specify to install JaxWSServicesSamples.ear.

    1. Click Local file system or Remote file system and specify the full path name of the JaxWSServicesSamples.ear file.


    2. Click Next.

  3. On the second Preparing for the application installation page, select the fast path option.

    1. Select Fast Path - Prompt only when additional information is required.

    2. Click Next.

  4. Click Next on each page until you reach the Summary page.

    Do not go directly from Step 1 to the Summary page. We must click Next on each page that has mandatory settings to enter values for those settings. Simply click Next to enter the default values. You optionally can change the values to suit the environment.

  5. On the Summary page, verify the cell, node, and server onto which the application modules will install, and then click Finish.

  6. Examine the application installation progress messages.

    If the application installs successfully, the message Application JaxWSServicesSamples installed successfully is displayed. Click Save. After the configuration changes are saved, we can see the name of the application in the list of deployed applications on the Enterprise applications page accessed by clicking Applications > Application Types > WebSphere enterprise applications in the console navigation tree.

    If the application does not install successfully, read the messages to identify why the installation failed. Correct problems with the server or application and try installing the application again.


The JaxWSServicesSamples application is in the list of deployed applications on the Enterprise applications page.

What to do next

After the application installs successfully, do the following:

  1. Start the application.

    On the Enterprise applications page, select the check boxes for JaxWSServicesSamples, and then click Start.

  2. Test the application. Point the web browser at:


    If the localhost address does not load, substitute the host name (IP address) of the computer for localhost; for example,

    If we have another WebSphere Application Server installation on the machine, the server port number is likely not 9080. See the Ports table in the console to find the WC_defaulthost server port number. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server1 > Ports. The Port descriptions table lists the important ports.

    Port name Description
    WC_adminhost Port used to open an unsecure console in the URL http://host:administrative_port/ibm/console
    WC_adminhost_secure Port used to open a secure console in the URL http://host:administrative_port/ibm/console
    WC_defaulthost Port used to test running applications in the URL http://host:server_port/servlet_name
    WC_defaulthost_secure Port used to securely test running applications in the URL http://host:server_port/servlet_name

Related tasks

  • Example: Install an EAR file using the default bindings
  • Start or stop enterprise applications
    Samples documentation

  • Preparing for application installation settings
  • Select installation options settings