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Troubleshooting deployment

When you are having problems deploying an application, perform some basic diagnostics and verify the system configuration to solve the problem.

Try to install the application on a product server or cluster. Ensure that the application can be installed to the deployment target. For example, if the application contains modules that support JEE (Java EE) 6 or use a Version 8.0 product feature or API, install the application to a Version 8.0 or later deployment target.

Determine which of the following steps apply to the deployment problem and read the suggested topics.

What to do next

If the topics in this information center do not resolve the deployment problem, examine current information available from IBM Support on known problems and their resolution. IBM Support has documents that can save you time gathering information needed to resolve this problem. Before opening a PMR, see topic on troubleshooting help from IBM.


Related concepts

  • Installable enterprise module versions
  • Troubleshooting help from IBM

    Related tasks

  • Troubleshooting web services

  • Application deployment troubleshooting tips