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Modify an existing UDDI reference

Modify the configuration details for a UDDI reference that has been configured for use with service integration bus-enabled web services.

A UDDI reference is a pointer to a UDDI registry. This registry can be a private UDDI registry such as the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry, or a public UDDI registry. The service integration technologies interact with UDDI registries in two ways:

To list the UDDI references, and to view and modify their configuration details...

  1. Start the console.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Service integration -> Web services -> UDDI References. A list of UDDI references is displayed in a UDDI references collection form.

  3. Click the name of a UDDI reference in the list. The current UDDI reference settings for this UDDI reference are displayed.

  4. Modify the following general properties:


    Modify the name of the UDDI reference.

    This name must be unique, and it must obey the following syntax rules:

    • It must not start with "." (a period).

    • It must not start or end with a space.

    • It must not contain any of the following characters: \ / , # $ @ : ; " * ? < > | = + & % '

    When you change a UDDI reference name, the system looks up all objects that refer to it and updates the name.


    Modify the (Optional) description of the UDDI reference.

    Inquiry URL

    Type the new web address that provides access to this registry for the SOAP inquiry API.

    Publish URL

    Type the new web address that provides access to this registry for the SOAP publish API.

    Authentication alias

    Type the new J2C authentication alias for the user ID and password of an "Authorized Name" that has update access to this registry.

    The alias you enter here must match the user ID of our owner of the corresponding business in the UDDI registry. We can see our owning user ID in UDDI by looking at the business details under the "Authorized Name" field. If the alias you enter here does not match the "Authorized Name" value for the business that owns the service, then the service is not published or found.

    If the business has more than one "Authorized Name", you might want to set up multiple UDDI references (each with a different authentication alias) to the same UDDI registry.

  5. Save the changes to the master configuration.


If the processing completes successfully, the list of UDDI references is redisplayed. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.

What to do next

To use this UDDI reference, select it when Making an internally-hosted service available as a web service or Making an externally-hosted web service available internally.

Related concepts

  • UDDI registries: Web service directories that can be referenced by bus-enabled web services

    Related information:

  • Delete UDDI references
  • Publish a web service to a UDDI registry