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Publishing a web service to a UDDI registry

When you configure an inbound or outbound service, you enable UDDI interaction by associating the service with a UDDI reference, and (depending upon what you are trying to do) either or both of the following pieces of information: The business key identifying UDDI business category under which we want the service to appear in the UDDI registry, and the service-specific part of the service key that the UDDI registry assigns to the service. To help you understand what UDDI business keys and service keys are, and where you find them in a UDDI registry, here is a description of how to publish a web service to a UDDI registry.

Service integration technologies interact with UDDI registries as described in UDDI registries: Web service directories that can be referenced by bus-enabled web services. When you publish a web service to a UDDI registry, you:

The following steps describe how you publish a web service to the IBM WebSphere UDDI Registry. If we are working with a different UDDI registry, then the specific navigation is different but the underlying principles are the same.

  1. Specify a business:

    1. To get a list of valid business keys, look up businesses in the UDDI registry. Here is an example of a UDDI business key:



    2. If we do not find an appropriate existing business in the UDDI registry, use the Add a business option on the Advanced Publish section of the Publish pane to add a new one.

  2. Add a technical model:

    1. Select Add a technical model on the Advanced Publish section of the Publish pane.

    2. Enter the name as specified for the target namespace of the binding (or interface) WSDL file, then add a description (if required).

    3. Add a category of Type unspsc and value wsdlSpec (the Key name field can be left blank).

    4. Add an overview URL specifying the web address for your binding WSDL file, then add a description (if required).

      The binding and the service definition for the web service might be held in separate WSDL files, therefore be careful to type the web address of the WSDL file that defines the binding.

    5. Click Publish Technical Model.

  3. Add a service:

    1. Select Show owned entities on the Advanced Publish section of the Publish pane.

    2. Select Add a Service for the business.

    3. Enter the name as specified for the target service in our WSDL file, then add a description (if required).

    4. For the Access point verify that the correct web address type is selected (for example http for an HTTP access point), then enter the value of the soap:address location (or its equivalent) from the service definition WSDL file (for example http://yourhost:80/SimpleTest/servlet/rpcrouter).

    5. For the Technical model select Add, then find the required Technical model by entering a suitable prefix and selecting Find technical models, then select the check box for the required Technical model and click Update.

    6. Click Publish Service.


The UDDI registry assigns a service key to your service, and publishes the service.

What to do next

After the service has been published we can get the service key from the target UDDI registry.

Here is an example of a full UDDI service key:

The service-specific part of this key is the final part:

Related concepts

  • UDDI registries: Web service directories that can be referenced by bus-enabled web services

    Related information:

  • Modify an existing UDDI reference
  • Delete UDDI references