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View the status of a WebSphere MQ link and its sender and receiver channels

We might want to view the status of a WebSphere MQ link or its components because you intend to stop the WebSphere MQ link and to see if there are any messages currently held on it, or you are about to delete the WebSphere MQ link and we have to verify there are no messages on it, or messages have not arrived at their expected destination and to check if they are being held, pending transmission over the WebSphere MQ link.

To view the status of a WebSphere MQ link, use the console to complete the following steps.

If we attempt to start a WebSphere MQ sender channel that is already in RUNNING state, the WAS console might occasionally incorrectly report the channel status as INACTIVE. If this happens, we can ignore the error because the channel is still running. To return the channel status to RUNNING, stop and then restart the channel.

  1. In the navigation pane, click one of the following paths:

  2. Click the WebSphere MQ link to view.

  3. Click the Runtime tab. The content pane displays the status of the WebSphere MQ link.

  4. Click the Configuration tab.

  5. Optional: To view the status of the sender channel:

    1. Click Sender channel.

    2. Click the channel to view.

    3. Click the Runtime tab. The content pane displays status information for the sender channel. Some of the more important fields to check are:

      • The status of the channel.

      • Whether the message on the channel is in an indoubt state. If the message is in doubt, it has not been acknowledged by WebSphere MQ.

      • The number of messages in the current batch.

      • The number of batches that have been sent.

      • The time and date at which the channel was last started.

      • The time and date at which the last message was sent.

    4. Click Saved batch status. The content pane displays the saved status of message batches that have been saved for transmission to WebSphere MQ.

    5. If a batch is in an indoubt state, we can either commit or rollback the batch.

  6. Optional: To view the status of the receiver channel:

    1. Return to the WebSphere MQ link page.

    2. Click Receiver channel.

    3. Click the Runtime tab. The content pane displays the status of the receiver channel.

    4. Click Receiver channel connections. The content pane displays the connections existing on the receiver channel, and their current status. We can stop connections if required, by selecting the check box next to the connection and clicking Stop.

    5. Return to the receiver channel page.

    6. Click Saved batch status. The content pane displays the saved status of message batches that have been received from WebSphere MQ.

What to do next

We can also view the status of subscriptions for a broker profile on the WebSphere MQ link: View the status of subscriptions for a WebSphere MQ link publish/subscribe broker profile.

Related information:

  • WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Settings]
  • WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Settings]
  • WebSphere MQ receiver channel saved batch status [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Settings]
  • WebSphere MQ sender channel saved batch status [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ links [Collection]
  • WebSphere MQ link [Settings]