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View the status of subscriptions for a WebSphere MQ link publish/subscribe broker profile

We can use the console to view the status of subscriptions for a broker profile on a WebSphere MQ link.

  1. In the navigation pane, click one of the following paths:

    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Foreign bus connections -> foreign_bus_name -> [Related Items] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles

    • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Publish/subscribe broker profiles

  2. Click the broker profile containing the subscriptions to view.

  3. Click the Runtime tab. The content pane displays the current number of subscriptions for the broker profile.

  4. Click Subscriptions. The content pane displays the status of the subscriptions for the broker profile. Move the mouse pointer over a status icon to view hover help for that icon. We can remove the runtime subscriptions if required, by clicking Unsubscribe.