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WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Settings]

The receiver channel that receives messages from the gateway WebSphere MQ queue manager. The receiver channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ sender channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts MQ format messages to service integration bus messages.

To view this page in the console, click the following path:

  • Service integration -> Buses -> bus_name -> [Topology] Messaging engines -> engine_name -> [Additional properties] WebSphere MQ links -> link_name -> [Additional Properties] Receiver channel -> channel_name.

    Configuration tab

    The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

    General Properties

    WebSphere MQ link receiver channel name

    The name of the receiver channel for the WebSphere MQ link, used to receive messages from WebSphere MQ onto the bus.

    This name must be the same as the name of the sender channel on WebSphere MQ.

    Dynamic updates to this property are effective when the channel restarts. Use the Runtime tab to check the current state.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type String

    Inbound nonpersistent message reliability

    The acceptable reliability of message delivery for nonpersistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ link, from Best effort to Reliable, in order of increasing reliability.

    This reliability delivery option is assigned to all WebSphere MQ nonpersistent messages flowing over this receiver channel.

    Dynamic updates to this property are effective when the channel restarts. Use the Runtime tab to check the current state.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list

    Best effort

    Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable or as a result of constrained system resources.


    Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable.


    Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails.

    Inbound persistent message reliability

    The acceptable reliability of message delivery for inbound persistent message flows from WebSphere MQ through this WebSphere MQ link, from Reliable to Assured, in order of increasing reliability.

    Dynamic updates to this property are effective when the channel restarts. Use the Runtime tab to check the current state.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list


    Messages might be discarded when a messaging engine fails.


    Messages are not discarded.

    Prefer queue points local to this link's messaging engine

    When this check box is selected, the link prefers to send inbound messages to available queue points of target destinations that are located on the messaging engine on which the link is hosted.

    When this check box is not selected, or if no local queue point is available for a target destination, the link workload balances the messages across all available queue points of the target destination. By default the check box is selected.

    This option is supported on links running on WAS v7 or later. If we are running on an earlier version, the default behavior of preferring local queue points is applied.

    Information Value
    Required Yes
    Data type Boolean

    Initial state

    Whether the receiver channel is started or stopped when the associated WebSphere MQ link is first started. Until started, the channel is unavailable.

    Dynamic updates to this property are effective on messaging engine restart or receiver channel creation. Use the Runtime tab to check the current state.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list


    When the associated messaging engine is started, the WebSphere MQ link is in a stopped state and cannot communicate with the WebSphere MQ network.


    When the associated messaging engine is started, the WebSphere MQ link is started automatically and is enabled for communication with the WebSphere MQ network.

    Runtime tab

    The Runtime tab shows runtime properties for this object. These properties directly affect the current runtime environment, but are not preserved when that environment is stopped. To preserve runtime property values, change the equivalent property values on the Configuration tab. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.

    General Properties


    The runtime status of the receiver channel.

    This shows the overall status for all receiver channels for the link.

    Information Value
    Required No
    Data type drop-down list


    The WebSphere MQ link is ready and enabled to create connections, but no connections have yet been established.


    The WebSphere MQ link is in a stopped state and cannot process any new requests for connections.


    The WebSphere MQ link has established several sessions with WebSphere MQ, and the sessions can be in different states: Starting, Running, Stopping, or Stopped.

    Additional Properties

    Receiver channel connections

    The connections that exist on the receiver channel of the WebSphere MQ link.

    Saved batch status

    The runtime status of message batches for the receiver channel of the WebSphere MQ link.

    Related tasks

  • View the status of a WebSphere MQ link and its sender and receiver channels

  • Add a WebSphere MQ link receiver channel

    Related information:

  • Administrative console buttons

  • Administrative console preference settings Reference topic