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Configure WebSphere grid endpoints

This topic explains how to set up a WebSphere grid endpoint.

  1. Install a batch application on a server or cluster using the console, wsadmin commands, or another supported method for deploying applications.

  2. If the application is the first batch application installed on the server or cluster, restart the server or cluster.


The WebSphere grid endpoints are automatically set up. By installing the application on the deployment target, the common batch container is automatically deployed on the server or cluster selected using the default Apache Derby data source jdbc/pgc. The default file-based Derby data source can be used only when using the batch function on a stand-alone application server. If we have a WAS Network Deployment environment, use a network database.

If we use the default Derby data source, no further action is required. If we use a different data source...to make the data source available to the WebSphere grid endpoints.

  1. On the console, click Environment > WebSphere variables.

  2. Select the Cell scope from the list.

  3. Edit the GRID_ENDPOINT_DATASOURCE variable to point to the JNDI lookup name of the job scheduler data source.

  4. Save the configuration.

  5. Restart all endpoints.


Related tasks

  • Configure the job scheduler
  • Create the job scheduler and grid endpoint database
  • Install the batch application