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Create the job scheduler and grid endpoint database

The job scheduler stores job information in a relational database. The grid endpoint uses the database to track the progress of a batch job.

Configure on a Derby database

After installation, one Derby JDBC provider is created. The Derby JDBC provider contains two data sources:

If we to use Derby we do not need to create the job scheduler database. It created when the job scheduler host (deployment target) is selected through the administrative console. An endpoint is created when a batch application is first installed on a node. Embedded Derby databases cannot be shared by multiple processes and are unsuitable for environments where the job scheduler must move from one node to another. For example, the job scheduler must move from one node to another in high availability scenarios.

Configure on a non-Derby database

The product supports DB2 and Oracle databases. We can use the following steps to configure the job scheduler and grid endpoint database if you decide to use a database other than the Derby database. When we create the database manually, the job scheduler and grid endpoint can use the same database.

  1. Select DDL files for your DB type. DDL files are found in:


    The Job scheduler database DDL file is CreateLRSCHEDTablesdb.ddl. Files are also available for creating the grid endpoint.

  2. See database vendor documentation for details on customizing scripts and using database tools to run.

What to do next

After creating the database...

  1. Define the XA JDBC provider for the database through the administrative console.

  2. Create the data source using the JDBC provider through the administrative console.

    Define the data source at the cell level. Doing so guarantees that the database is available for each application server that hosts the job scheduler.

  3. Verify that the database has been created by testing the connection on the data source created in the previous step.

  4. Configure the job scheduler by selecting the JNDI name of the newly created data source in the job scheduler panel.

  5. Specify the JNDI name of the data source created in a previous step as the value of the GRID_ENDPOINT_DATASOURCE variable.

Related tasks

  • Configure the job scheduler
  • Configure WebSphere grid endpoints
  • Verify the job scheduler installation
  • Job scheduler administrative roles and privileges