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Endpoint WebSphere variables

Use WebSphere variables to modify the endpoint configuration. We can do such things as enable jobs to run under user credentials and configure the schema name of the grid endpoint database.


Define this WebSphere variable so that jobs can run under user credentials.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level

  • true

    Jobs are run under user credentials

  • false

    Jobs are run under server credentials



Define this WebSphere variable to configure the amount of time between heartbeat transmissions from the grid endpoint to the job scheduler.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Time in milliseconds 30 seconds


Define this WebSphere variable to override the default database schema name for a grid endpoint. Set this variable if the grid endpoint database is different than the job scheduler database and uses a schema name other than the default of LRSSCHEMA.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Grid endpoint database name LRSSCHEMA


Define this WebSphere variable to configure the grid endpoint data source JNDI name.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level Grid endpoint data source JNDI name jdbc/pgc



Define this WebSphere variable to control the type of WorkManager thread that the batch endpoint uses for asynchronous execution of batch-related work.

A value of true (the default) uses a daemon thread, which is not counted against the thread pool limits of the WorkManager. A value of false uses a pooled thread, which means thread availability is dependent upon the WorkManager configuration. The request could block waiting for a thread to become available.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level true, false true



Define this WebSphere variable to control the type of JDBC connections (shared or unshared) which the batch endpoint obtains from the WebSphere connection manager.

A value of true results in shareable connections. A value of false (the default) results in connections that cannot be shared.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level true, false false


Define this WebSphere variable to enable memory-overload protection for the endpoint servers. Memory-overload protection delays the running of a job in the endpoint server if insufficient Java heap memory is available to run the job. The job is delayed until other currently running jobs complete and free up enough memory.

The endpoint server determines the amount of available memory by querying the JVM (JVM) and assessing the memory requirements of all active jobs currently running within the server.

We can specify the memory requirement for a job by defining the memory attribute of the job element in the xJCL. If we do not specify the memory attribute, the value of the GRID_MEMORY_OVERLOAD_PROTECTION WebSphere variable is used as the default. If we define the GRID_MEMORY_OVERLOAD_PROTECTION WebSphere variable as ?, then the endpoint server estimates the average job memory requirement by assessing the current active job count and the amount of memory currently in use.

If we do not define the GRID_MEMORY_OVERLOAD_PROTECTION WebSphere variable, then memory-overload protection is disabled.

Scope Valid values Default
Cell, endpoint node, or endpoint server level

  • An integer value with a unit of KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), or GB (gigabytes). For example, specify 100MB or 25KB.

  • A value of ?. The endpoint server estimates the memory requirement for any job that does not define the memory attribute in the xJCL. The estimate is computed by assessing the current active job count and the amount of memory currently in use.


Related concepts

  • xJCL elements

    Related tasks

  • Configure WebSphere grid endpoints