Configure the IP PBX location.
Access telephony services with web services clients
The following information must be configured on the server where the CEA system application is running.
- In the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name > Communications Enabled Applications (CEA).
- Use the CEA settings page to select the Use SIP CTI (ECMA TR/87) gateway for telephony access option and configure the following fields:
Set the following fields based on the server running the PBX application.
- Host name or IP address
- Port - For the TCP Protocol, select the port SIP_DEFAULTHOST for the server running the PBX application.
- Protocol (TCP)
- Superuser name
We can specify a Superuser name on the CEA settings panel. The superuser corresponds to a user, who is configured on the PBX, and has the ability to control any phone configured on the PBX. Also, the superuser has the ability to control multiple phones concurrently. This functionality, however, is not supported on every PBX. The Cisco PBX requires set a user name for each phone to control. The Superuser name field on the CEA settings panel can only pass a single user name; therefore, it can only control a single device. To control multiple phones concurrently using the Cisco PBX, you must derive the user name from the user credentials for this PBX. To accomplish this task, ensure that the Extract user name from request check box is selected on the CEA settings panel.
What to do next
Restart the application server.
- Start an application server
When you start an application server, a new server process starts. This new server process is based on the process definition settings of the current server configuration.
- Directory conventions
References in product information to app_server_root, profile_root, and other directories imply specific default directory locations. Become familiar with the conventions in use for WebSphere Application Server.
- Install enterprise application files
As part of deploying an application, you install application files on a server configured to hold installable modules.
- Start or stop enterprise applications
We can start an application that is not running (has a status of Stopped) or stop an application running (has a status of Started).
Related tasks
Start an application server Install enterprise application files Start or stop enterprise applications
Related information:
Directory conventions