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CEA settings

Use this page to configure the Representational State Transfer (REST) interface and the computer-telephony integration (CTI) gateway to enable Communications Enabled Applications (CEA). A CTI application manages the event flow that is generated by the telephony switch, IP PBX, during the life cycle of a call.

Enable communications service

Specifies to enable or disable the communications service for this server or cluster. Disabling the field prevents the service from starting and saves system resources.

Context root

Context root of the REST interface. Use this field to assign a different context root to the REST interface.

The context root is combined with the defined servlet mapping for the REST interface to compose the full URL that users type to make a REST request. For example, if the context root is /gettingstarted and the servlet mapping is CommServlet/call, then the URL is http://host:port/gettingstarted/CommServlet/call.

Virtual host

Name of the virtual host to which the REST interface is currently mapped.

Expanding the menu list displays a list of the defined virtual hosts. To change a mapping, select a different virtual host from the list.

Maximum hold time

Time in seconds in which a GET /event call to the REST interface waits for new or changed data or status before timing out.

Information Value
Data Type Integer
Default 30

Use SIP CTI (ECMA TR/87) gateway for telephony access

Select this option to use the SIP CTI gateway for telephony access.

Host name or IP address

Address or fully qualified domain name, FQDM, of the CTI gateway to be connected to by the CEA service.

Information Value
Data Type string
Default localhost


Port of the CTI gateway to be connected to by the CEA service.

Information Value
Data Type integer
Default 5060


Protocol to be used when connecting to the CTI, TR/87, gateway. The default value is TCP.

Extract user name from request

When enabled, an attempt is made to extract the user name from the HTTP request. If the name cannot be extracted, the Superuser name is used. This name is used when opening a new TR/87 session to the CTI gateway.

After you enable the Extract user name from request option, an attempt is made to extract the user name from the HTTP request. However, the user name has a null value even for authenticated users. The CEA Rest Service Servlet is an unprotected URI. Thus, we also must enable the Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed option. Use the console to enable the Use available authentication data when an unprotected URI is accessed option under Security > Global security > Web and SIP security > General settings. After you enable this option, the user name is available to the CEA Rest Service Servlet during the request.

Superuser name

Name used when opening a new TR/87 session to the configured CTI gateway. This requires that the CTI gateway be configured with a superuser account used to create phone calls on behalf of all end users.

Information Value
Data Type string
Default ceauser

We can specify a Superuser name on the CEA settings page. The superuser corresponds to a user, who is configured on the PBX, and has the ability to control any phone configured on the PBX. Also, the superuser has the ability to control multiple phones concurrently. This functionality, however, is not supported on every PBX. The Cisco PBX requires set a user name for each phone to control. The Superuser name field on the CEA settings page can only pass a single user name; therefore, it can only control a single device. To control multiple phones concurrently using the Cisco PBX, you must derive the user name from the user credentials for this PBX. To accomplish this task, ensure that the Extract user name from request check box is selected on the CEA settings page.

Use a third-party Web services provider for telephony access

Select this option to specify a third-party Web services provider for telephony access. Instead of using SIP CTI, this approach uses a third-party service that has implemented specific Web services to utilize a different method to connect to the telephony infrastructure.

Third-party Web services provider's WSDL

The URL path pointing to a third-party Web services provider's WSDL. If a value is specified, the SIP CTI gateway is not used.

Related tasks

  • Replicating SIP sessions