ServerManagement (AdminTask)
We can use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to manage servers with The commands and parameters in the ServerManagement group manage application server, web server, proxy server, generic server and JVM configurations.
The ServerManagement (AdminTask) includes the following commands:
- (zos) changeServerSpecificShortName
- createApplicationServer
- createApplicationServerTemplate
- createGenericServer
- createGenericServerTemplate
- createGenericServerTemplate
- createProxyServer
- createProxyServerTemplate
- createServerType (Deprecated)
- createWebServer
- createWebServerTemplate
- deleteServer
- deleteServerTemplate
- getJavaHome
- (zos) getJVMMode
- getServerType
- listServers
- listServerTemplates
- listServerTypes
- setJVMDebugMode
- setGenericJVMArguments
- setJVMInitialHeapSize
- setJVMMaxHeapSize
- (zos) setJVMMode
- setJVMProperties
- setJVMSystemProperties
- setProcessDefinition
- setTraceSpecification
- showJVMProperties
- showJVMSystemProperties
- showProcessDefinition
- showServerInfo
- showServerTypeInfo
- showTemplateInfo
(zos) changeServerSpecificShortName
Use the changeServerSpecificShortName command to the short name that is associated with a server.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server whose short name to change.
- -nodeName
- The name of the node containing the server.
Optional parameters
- -specificShortName
- Every server must have a unique specific short name. If this parameter is not specified, a unique specific short name is automatically assigned. The value for this parameter must be 8 characters or less in length, and all of the characters must be uppercase.
Batch mode example:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask changeServerSpecificShortName {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -specificShortName newshortname}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.changeServerSpecificShortName('[-serverName myserver -nodeName myNode -specificShortName newshortname]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.changeServerSpecificShortName(['-serverName', 'myserver', '-nodeName', 'myNode', '-specificShortName', 'newshortname'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask changeServerSpecificShortName {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.changeServerSpecificShortName ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.changeServerSpecificShortName (['-interactive'])
Use the createApplicationServer command to create a new application server.
Target object:
Name of the node (String, required)
Required parameters
- -name
- The name of the server to create. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -templateName
- The name of the template from which to base the server. (String, optional)
- -genUniquePorts
- Whether the system generates unique HTTP ports for the server. The default value is true. Specify false if we do not want to generate unique HTTP ports for the server. (Boolean)
- -templateLocation
- -templateLocation (ConfigID, optional)
- The configuration Id that represents the location of a template. To list all of the available templates, we can use the following command:
print AdminTask.listServerTemplates('-serverType WEB_SERVER')
Example usage:
-templateLocation IHS(templates/servertypes/WEB_SERVER/servers/IHS|server.xml)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createApplicationServer ndnode1 {-name test1 -templateName default}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createApplicationServer('ndnode1', '[-name test1 -templateName default]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createApplicationServer('ndnode1', ['-name', 'test1', '-templateName', 'default'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createApplicationServer {-interactive}
- Jython:
AdminTask.createApplicationServer ('-interactive')
The createApplicationServerTemplate command creates a new application server template.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -templateName
- Name of the application server template to create. (String, required)
- -serverName
- Name of the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node that corresponds to the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -description
- Description of the template. (String)
- -templateLocation
- Specifies a configuration Id that represents the location to place the template. (String)
The following example displays the format of the configuration Id, where the display name is optional:
Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=display_name,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= configuration_idThe configuration Id value is the application server template, which is templates\servertypes\APPLICATION_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createApplicationServerTemplate {-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=APPLICATION_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= templates/servertypes/APPLICATION_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createApplicationServerTemplate('[-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name= APPLICATION_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id=templates/servertypes/APPLICATION_SERVER|servertype- metadata.xml]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createApplicationServerTemplate(['-templateName', 'newTemplate', '-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'ndnode1', '-description', "This is my new template"])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createApplicationServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createApplicationServerTemplate ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createApplicationServerTemplate (['-interactive'])
Use the createGenericServer command to create a new generic server in the configuration. A generic server is a server that the product manages, but did not supply. The createGenericServer command provides an additional step, ConfigProcDef, that we can use to configure the parameters that are specific to generic servers.
Target object Specifies the name of the node (String, required)
Required parameters
- -name
- The name of the server to create.
Optional parameters
- -templateName
- Picks up a server template. This step provides a list of application server templates for the node and server type. The default value is the default templates for the server type. (String, optional)
- -genUniquePorts
- Whether the system generates unique HTTP ports for the server. The default value is true. Specify false if we do not want to generate unique HTTP ports for the server. (Boolean)
- -templateLocation
- The configuration Id that represents the location of a template. Specify the _Websphere_Config_Data_Id=templates/servertypes/GENERIC_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml configuration Id to create a generic server. (ObjectName)
- -startCommand
- Indicates the path to the command that will run when this generic server is started. (String, optional)
- -startCommandArgs
- Indicates the arguments to pass to the startCommand when the generic server is started. (String, optional)
- -executableTargetKind
- Whether a Java class name (use JAVA_CLASS) or the name of an executable JAR file (use EXECUTABLE_JAR) will be used as the executable target for this process. This field should be left blank for binary executables. This parameter is only applicable for Java processes. (String optional)
- -executableTarget
- Name of the executable target (a Java class containing a main() method or the name of an executable JAR), depending on the executable target type. This field should be left blank for binary executables. This parameter is only applicable for Java processes. (String, optional)
- -workingDirectory
- Specifies the working directory for the generic server.
- -stopCommand
- Indicates the path to the command that will run when this generic server is stopped. (String, optional)
- -stopCommandArgs
- Indicates the arguments to pass to the stopCommand parameter when the generic server is stopped. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createGenericServer jim667BaseNode {-name jgeneric -ConfigProcDef {{"/usr/bin/myStartCommand" "arg1 arg2" "" "" "/tmp/workingDirectory" "/tmp/stopCommand" "argy argz"}}}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createGenericServer('jim667BaseNode', '[-name jgeneric -ConfigProcDef [[/usr/bin/myStartCommand "arg1 arg2" "" "" /tmp/workingDirectory /tmp/StopCommand "argy argz"]]]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createGenericServer('jim667BaseNode', ['-name', 'jgeneric', '-ConfigProcDef', [['/usr/bin/myStartCommand', "arg1 arg2" "" "", '/tmp/workingDirectory', '/tmp/StopCommand', "argy argz"]]])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createGenericServer {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createGenericServer ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createGenericServer (['-interactive'])
The createGenericServerTemplate command creates a new generic server template.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -templateName
- Name of the generic server template to create. (String, required)
- -serverName
- Name of the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node that corresponds to the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -description
- Description of the template. (String)
- -templateLocation
- Specifies a configuration Id that represents the location to place the template. (String)
The following example displays the format of the configuration Id, where the display name is optional:
Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=display_name,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= configuration_idThe configuration Id value is the generic server template, which is templates\servertypes\GENERIC_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createGenericServerTemplate {-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=GENERIC_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= templates/servertypes/GENERIC_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createGenericServerTemplate('[-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name= GENERIC_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id=templates/servertypes/GENERIC_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createGenericServerTemplate(['-templateName', 'newTemplate', '-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'ndnode1', '-description', "This is my new template"])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createGenericServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createGenericServerTemplate ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createGenericServerTemplate (['-interactive'])
Use the createGenericServerTemplate command to create a server template based on a server configuration.
Target object None.
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server of interest. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Name of the node of interest. (String, required)
- -templateName
- Name of the template to create. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -description
- Provides a description for the template to be created. (String, optional)
- -templateLocation
- Specifies a configuration Id that represents the location of the template. If this parameter is not specified, the system uses the default location. (String, optional)
The following example displays the format of the configuration Id, where the display name is optional:
Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=display_name,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= configuration_idThe configuration Id can be one of the following values:
- To create a web server template:
- To create an application server template:
- To create a generic server template:
- To create a proxy server template:
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createGenericServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython:
Use the createProxyServer command to create a new proxy server in the configuration. The proxy server is a specific type of application server that routes HTTP requests to content servers that perform the work. The proxy server is the initial point of entry, after the firewall, for requests into the enterprise.
Target object Name of the node (String, required)
Required parameters
- -name
- The name of the server to create. (String)
Optional parameters
- -templateName
- Picks up a server template. This step provides a list of application server templates for the node and server type. The default value is the default templates for the server type. (String)
- -genUniquePorts
- Whether the system generates unique HTTP ports for the server. The default value is true. Specify false if we do not want to generate unique HTTP ports for the server. (Boolean)
- -templateLocation
- Location of the template on the system. Use the system defined location if you are unsure of the location. (String)
- (zos) -specificShortName
- Specific short name of the server. Each server should have a specific short name. Value must be 8 uppercase characters or less. If we do not specify a value for the specificShortName parameter, the system generates a unique short name.
- (zos) -genericShortName
- Specifies the generic short name of the server. Each member of a cluster shares the same generic short name. Assign a unique generic short name to servers that do not belong to a cluster. Value must be 8 uppercase characters or less. If we do not specify a value for the genericShortName parameter, the system generates a unique short name. (String)
- -clusterName
- Name of the cluster to which the system assigns the server. (String)
- (zos) -bitmode
- Bit mode for the server. Valid values are 31 and 64 bit.
Optional steps
- -ConfigCoreGroup
- coregroupName
- Name of the core group to configure. (String)
- -selectProtocols
- list
- List of protocols that the proxy server supports. (java.util.List)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createProxyServer myNode {-name myProxyServer -templateName myTemplate -ConfigCoreGroup [-coregroupName [myCoreGroup]] -selectProtocols [-list [HTTP, SIP]]}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createProxyServer('myNode', '[-name myProxyServer -templateName myTemplate -ConfigCoreGroup [-coregroupName [myCoreGroup]] -selectProtocols [-list [HTTP, SIP]]]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createProxyServer(myNode, ['-name', 'myProxyServer', '-templateName', 'myTemplate', '-ConfigCoreGroup', '[-coregroupName [myCoreGroup]]', '-selectProtocols', '[-list [HTTP, SIP]]'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createProxyServer {-interactive}
- Jython:
Use the createProxyServerTemplate command to create a new proxy server template based on an existing proxy server configuration.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -templateName
- Name of the proxy server template to create. (String)
- -serverName
- Name of the proxy server of interest. (String)
- -nodeName
- Name of the node of interest. (String)
Optional parameters
- -description
- Specifies a description for the new server template. (String)
- -templateLocation
- Specifies a configuration Id that represents the location to place the template. Use the system defined location if you are unsure of the location. (String)
The following example displays the format of the configuration Id, where the display name is optional:
Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=display_name,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= configuration_idThe configuration Id value is the proxy server template, which is templates\servertypes\PROXY_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createProxyServerTemplate {-templateName proxyServerTemplate -serverName proxyServer1 -nodeName myNode}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createProxyServerTemplate('[-templateName proxyServerTemplate -serverName proxyServer1 -nodeName myNode]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createProxyServerTemplate(['-templateName', 'proxyServerTemplate', '-serverName', 'proxyServer1', '-nodeName', 'myNode'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createProxyServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython:
Deprecated feature: The createServerType command is deprecated. No alternative command is provided for this deprecation.depfeat
Use the createServerType command to define a server type.
Target object None.
Required parameters
- -version
- Product version. (String, required)
- -serverType
- Server type of interest. (String, required)
- -createTemplateCommand
- Command to use to create a server template. (String, required)
- -createCommand
- Command to use to create a server. (String, required)
- -configValidator
- Name of the configuration validator class. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- (dist)(iseries) -defaultTemplateName
- Name of the default template. The default value is default. (String, optional)
- (zos) -defaultzOSTemplateName
- Name of the default template. The default value is default_zOS. (String, optional)
Sample output The command returns the object name of the server type that was created.
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createServerType {-version version -serverType serverType -createTemplateCommand name -createCommand name}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createServerType('[-version version -serverType serverType -createTemplateCommand name -createCommand name]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createServerType(['-version', 'version', '-serverType', 'serverType', '-createTemplateCommand', 'name', '-createCommand', 'name'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createServerType {-interactive}
- Jython:
Use the createWebServer command to create a web server definition. This command creates a web server definition using a template and configures the web server definition properties. Web server definitions generate and propagate the plugin-config.xml file for each web server. For IBM HTTP Server only, we can use web server definitions to administer and configure IBM HTTP Server web servers with the console. These functions include: Start, Stop, View logs, View and Edit configuration files.
Target object Name of the node (String, required).
Required parameters
- -name
- Name of the server. (String, required)
- -serverConfig
- Specifies the web server definition properties. Use this parameter and associated options to specify configuration properties for the IBM HTTP Server. Specify the following values in order in a list with the -serverConfig parameter:
- webPort
- Port number of the web server. This option is required for all web servers. (Integer, required)
- webInstallRoot
- Install path directory for the web server. This option is required for IBM HTTP Server Admin Function. (String, required)
- pluginInstallRoot
- Installation root directory where the plug-in for the web server is installed. This option is required for all web servers. (String, required)
- configurationFile
- File path for the IBM HTTP Server. This option is required for view and edit of the IBM HTTP Server Configuration file only. (String, required)
- serviceName
- Specifies the windows service name on which to start the IBM HTTP Server. This option is required for start and stop of the IBM HTTP Server web server only. (String, required)
- errorLogfile
- Path for the IBM HTTP Server error log (error.log) (String, required)
- accessLogfile
- Path for the IBM HTTP Server access log (access.log). (String, required)
- webProtocol
- Specifies the IBM HTTP Server administration server running with an unmanaged or remote web server. Options include HTTP or HTTPS. The default is HTTP. (String, required)
- webAppMapping
- Specifies configuration information for web application mapping. (String, required)
- -remoteServerConfig
- Specifies additional web server definition properties that are only necessary if the IBM HTTP Server web server is installed on a machine remote from the application server. Specify the following values in order in a list with the remoteServerConfig parameter:
- adminPort
- Port of the IBM HTTP Server administrative server. The administration server is installed on the same machine as the IBM HTTP Server and handles administrative requests to the IBM HTTP Server web server. (String, required)
- adminProtocol
- Administrative protocol title. Options include HTTP or HTTPS. The default is HTTP. (String, required)
- adminUserID
- User ID, if authentication is activated on the Administration server in the admin configuration file (admin.conf). Should match the authentication in the admin.conf file. (String, optional)
- adminPasswd
- Password for the user ID. The password is generated by the htpasswd utility in the admin.passwd file. (String, optional)
Optional parameters
- -templateName
- Name of the template to use. Templates include the following: IHS, iPlanet, IIS, DOMINO, APACHE. The default template is IHS. (String, required)
- -genUniquePorts
- Whether the system generates unique HTTP ports for the server. The default value is true. Specify false if we do not want to generate unique HTTP ports for the server. (Boolean)
- -templateLocation
- The configuration Id that represents the location of a template. Specify the _Websphere_Config_Data_Id=templates/servertypes/WEB_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml configuration Id to create a generic server. (ObjectName)
- (zos) -specificShortName
- Specific short name of the server. All servers should have unique specific short names. If this parameter is not specified, the system automatically assigns a name. The value for this parameter must be 8 characters or less and all upper case letters. (String, optional)
- (zos) -genericShortName
- Specifies the generic short name of the server. All servers should have unique specific short names. If this parameter is not specified, the system automatically assigns a name. The value for this parameter must be 8 characters or less and all upper case letters. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebServer myNode {-name wsname -serverConfig {{80 /opt/path/to/ihs /opt/path/to/plugin /opt/path/to/plugin.xml "windows service" /opt/path/to/error.log /opt/path/to/access.log HTTP}} -remoteServerConfig {{8008 user password HTTP}}
- Jython list:
print AdminTask.createWebServer(myNode, ['-name', wsname, '-serverConfig',[['80','/opt/path/to/ihs', '/opt/path/to/plugin', '/opt/path/to/plugin.xml', 'windows service', '/opt/path/to/error.log', '/opt/path/to/access.log','HTTP']], '-remoteServerConfig', [['8008','user','password','HTTP']]])
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createWebServer('myNode','-name wsname -serverConfig [80 /opt/path/to/ihs /opt/path/to/plugin /opt/path/to/plugin.xml "windows service" /opt/path/to/error.log /opt/path/to/access.log HTTP] -remoteServerConfig [8008 user password HTTP]')
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebServer -interactive
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createWebServer ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createWebServer (['-interactive'])
The createWebServerTemplate command creates a new web server template.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -templateName
- Name of the web server template to create. (String, required)
- -serverName
- Name of the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node that corresponds to the server from which to base the template. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -description
- Description of the template. (String)
- -templateLocation
- Specifies a configuration Id that represents the location to place the template. (String)
The following example displays the format of the configuration Id, where the display name is optional:
The configuration Id value is the web server template, which is templates\servertypes\WEB_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebServerTemplate {-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name=WEB_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id= templates/servertypes/WEB_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createWebServerTemplate('[-templateName newTemplate -serverName server1 -nodeName ndnode1 -description "This is my new template" -templateLocation Websphere:_Websphere_Config_Data_Display_Name= WEB_SERVER,_Websphere_Config_Data_Id=templates/servertypes/WEB_SERVER|servertype-metadata.xml]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createWebServerTemplate(['-templateName', 'newTemplate', '-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'ndnode1', '-description', "This is my new template"])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask createWebServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.createWebServerTemplate ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.createWebServerTemplate (['-interactive'])
Use the deleteServer command to delete a server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server to delete. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The name of the node for the server to delete. (String, required)
Optional parameters
Batch mode example:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteServer {-serverName server_name -nodeName node}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.deleteServer('[-serverName server_name -nodeName node]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteServer(['-serverName', 'server_name', '-nodeName', 'node'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteServer {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.deleteServer ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteServer (['-interactive'])
Use the deleteServerTemplate command to delete a server template. We cannot delete templates defined by the system. We can only delete server templates created. This command deletes the directory that hosts the server template.
Target object:
The name of the template to delete. (ObjectName, required)
Required parameters
Optional parameters
Batch mode example:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteServerTemplate template_name(templates/serverTypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers /newTemplate|server.xml #Server_1105015708079)
- Jython string...
AdminTask.deleteServerTemplate('template_name(templates/serverTypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers /newTemplate|server.xml#Server_1105015708079)')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteServerTemplate('template_name(templates/serverTypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers /newTemplate|server.xml#Server_1105015708079)')
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask deleteServerTemplate {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.deleteServerTemplate ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteServerTemplate (['-interactive'])
Use the getJavaHome command to get the Java home value.
Target object None.
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Name of the node. (String, required)
(zos) Optional parameters
- -mode
- Specifies either 64bit or 31bit mode. (String, optional)
Deprecated feature: You should eventually convert all of the servers to run in 64-bit mode because support for servers in 31-bit mode is deprecated.depfeat
Batch mode example:
$AdminTask getJavaHome {-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver}
(zos)$AdminTask getJavaHome {-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver -mode 64bit}
Jython string...
AdminTask.getJavaHome ('[-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver]')
(zos)AdminTask.getJavaHome ('[-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver -mode 64bit]')
Jython list:
AdminTask.getJavaHome (['-nodeName' 'mynode' '-serverName' 'myserver'])
(zos)AdminTask.getJavaHome (['-nodeName', 'mynode', '-serverName', 'myserver', '-mode', '64bit'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getJavaHome {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.getJavaHome ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.getJavaHome (['-interactive'])
(zos) getJVMMode
Use the getJVMMode command to get information about the mode of the Java virtual machine.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The name of the node. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getJVMMode {-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.getJVMMode ('[-nodeName mynode -serverName myserver]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.getJVMMode (['-nodeName', 'mynode', '-serverName', 'myserver'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getJVMMode {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.getJVMMode ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.getJVMMode (['-interactive'])
The getServerType command returns the type of the server specified.Target object None
Optional parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server. (String)
- -nodeName
- The name of the node. (String)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getServerType {-serverName test2 -nodeName ndnode1}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.getServerType('[-serverName test2 -nodeName ndnode1]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.getServerType(['-serverName', 'test2', '-nodeName', 'ndnode1'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask getServerType {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.getServerType ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.getServerType (['-interactive'])
The listServers command returns a list of servers.Target object None
Optional parameters
- serverType
- Type of the server. Used to filter the results. (String, optional)
- nodeName
- Name of the node. Used to filter the results. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServers {-serverType APPLICATION_SERVER -nodeName ndnode1}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.listServers('[-serverType APPLICATION_SERVER -nodeName ndnode1]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.listServers(['-serverType', 'APPLICATION_SERVER', '-nodeName', 'ndnode1'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServers {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.listServers ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.listServers (['-interactive'])
Use the listServerTemplates command to list server templates.
Target object None
Optional parameters
- -version
- The version of the template to list. (String, optional)
- -serverType
- Specify this option to list templates for a specific server type. (String, optional)
- -name
- Specify this option to look for a specific template. (String, optional)
- -queryExp
- A key and value pair that we can use to find templates by properties. For example, (String[], optional).
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServerTemplates {-version -serverType APPLICATION_SERVER}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.listServerTemplates('[-version -serverType APPLICATION_SERVER]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.listServerTemplates(['-version', '', '-serverType', 'APPLICATION_SERVER'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServerTemplates {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.listServerTemplates ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.listServerTemplates (['-interactive'])
Use the listServerTypes command to display all the current server types. For example, APPLICATION_SERVER, WEB_SERVER, GENERIC_SERVER
Target object
The node name for which you want to list the valid types. For example, the types that are only valid on z/OS will appear on a z/OS node. (String, optional)
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: A list of server types that we can define on a node. If we do not specify the target object, this command returns all of the server types defined in the entire cell.
Batch mode example:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServerTypes ndnode1
- Jython string...
- Jython list:
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask listServerTypes {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.listServerTypes ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.listServerTypes (['-interactive'])
Use the setJVMDebugMode command to set the JVM debug mode for the application server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server whose JVM properties will be modified. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -debugMode
- Whether to run the JVM in debug mode. The default is not to enable debug mode. (Boolean, required)
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMDebugMode {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMDebugMode ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMDebugMode (['-interactive'])
Use the setGenericJVMArguments command passes command line arguments to the Java virtual machine (JVM) code that starts the application server process.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server containing the JVM properties that are modified. If only one server exists in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- (zos) -processType
- Process type of the server. Valid values include: Control, Servant, or Adjunct. (String, optional)
- -genericJvmArguments
- The command line arguments pass to the Java virtual machine code that starts the application server process. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setGenericJVMArguments {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setGenericJVMArguments {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setGenericJVMArguments (['-interactive'])
Use the setJVMInitialHeapSize command to set the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) initial heap size for the application server.
Target object
Parameters and return values
- -serverName
- The name of the server whose JVM properties are modified. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -initialHeapSize
- Initial heap size available to the JVM code, in megabytes. (Integer, required)
Interactive mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMInitialHeapSize {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMInitialHeapSize ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMInitialHeapSize (['-interactive'])
Use the setJVMMaxHeapSize command to set the JVM maximum heap size for the application server.
Target object
Parameters and return values
- -serverName
- The name of the server whose JVM properties are modified. If there is only one server in the configuration, (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The node name where the server locates. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -maximumHeapSize
- Maximum heap size available to the JVM code, in megabytes. (Integer, required)
Batch mode example usage:
$AdminTask setJVMMaxHeapSize {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -maximumHeapSize 10}
Configuration note: With the Jacl scripting language, the subst command enables you to substitute a previously set value for a variable in the command. For example, we can set the JVM maximum heap size using the command commands:
set nodeparm "node1" $AdminTask setJVMMaxHeapSize [subst {-serverName server1 -nodeName $nodeparm -maximumHeapSize 100}]
Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMMaxHeapSize('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -maximumHeapSize 10]')
Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMMaxHeapSize(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-maximumHeapSize', '10'])
Interactive mode:
$AdminTask setJVMMaxHeapSize {-interactive}
Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMMaxHeapSize ('[-interactive]')
Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMMaxHeapSize (['-interactive'])
(zos) setJVMMode
Use the setJVMMode command to set the JVM mode.
The mode can either be 64-bit or 31-bit. Local mode is allowed for disconnected modification of the server. If we use this command to set the mode to 31-bit mode and the server is currently at 64-bit mode with a heap size greater than 2 GB, the heap size will automatically be reduced to original 31-bit heap size value.
Target object None.
Parameters and return values
- -serverName
- The name of the server. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The name of the node. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -mode
- Specifies either 64bit or 31bit mode. (String, required)
Deprecated feature: You should eventually convert all of the servers to run in 64-bit mode because support for servers in 31-bit mode is deprecated.depfeat
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMMode {-nodeName myNode -serverName myserver -mode 64bit}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMMode ('[-nodeName myNode -serverName myserver -mode 64bit]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMMode (['-nodeName', 'myNode', '-serverName', 'myserver', '-mode', '64bit'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMMode {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMMode ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMMode (['-interactive'])
Use the setJVMProperties command to set the JVM configuration for the application server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server for which the JVM properties will be modified. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the entire cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -classpath
- Standard class path in which the JVM code looks for classes. (String, optional)
- -bootClasspath
- Bootstrap classes and resources for JVM code. This option is only available for JVM instructions that support bootstrap classes and resources. We can separate multiple paths by a colon (:) or semi-colon (;), depending on the operating system of the node. (String, optional)
- -verboseModeClass
- Whether to use verbose debug output for class loading. The default is not to enable verbose class loading. (Boolean, optional)
- -verboseModeGarbageCollection
- Whether to use verbose debug output for garbage collection. The default is not to enable verbose garbage collection. (Boolean, optional)
- -verboseModeJNI
- Whether to use verbose debug output for native method invocation. The default is not to enable verbose Java Native Interface (JNI) activity. (Boolean, optional)
- -initialHeapSize
- Initial heap size in megabytes that is available to the JVM code. (Integer, optional)
- -maximumHeapSize
- Maximum heap size available in megabytes to the JVM code. (Integer, optional)
- -runHProf
- This parameter only applies to WebSphere Application Server version. It specifies whether to use HProf profiler support. To use another profiler, specify the custom profiler settings using the hprofArguments parameter. The default is not to enable HProf profiler support. (Boolean, optional)
- -hprofArguments
- This parameter only applies to WebSphere Application Server version. It specifies command-line profiler arguments to pass to the JVM code that starts the application server process. We can specify arguments when HProf profiler support is enabled. (String, optional)
- -debugMode
- Whether to run the JVM in debug mode. The default is not to enable debug mode support. (Boolean, optional)
- -debugArgs
- Command line debug arguments to pass to the JVM code that starts the application server process. We can specify arguments when the debug mode is enabled. (String, optional)
- -genericJvmArguments
- Command line arguments to pass to the JVM code that starts the application server process. (String, optional)
- -executableJarFileName
- Specifies a full path name for an executable JAR file that the JVM code uses. (String, optional)
- -disableJIT
- Whether to disable the just in time (JIT) compiler option of the JVM code. (Boolean, optional)
- -osName
- Specifies the JVM settings for a given operating system. When started, the process uses the JVM settings for the operating system of the node. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMProperties('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMProperties(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMProperties {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMProperties ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMProperties (['-interactive'])
Use the setJVMSystemProperties command to set the JVM system property for the process of the application server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server whose JVM system properties will be set. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -propertyName
- Property name. (String, required)
- -propertyValue
- Property value. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMSystemProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName -propertyValue testValue}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName -propertyValue testValue]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-propertyName', '', '-propertyValue', 'testValue'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setJVMSystemProperties {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setJVMSystemProperties (['-interactive'])
Use the setProcessDefinition command to set the process definition of an application server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- The name of the server for which to modify the process definition. If there is only one server in the entire configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- The node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the entire cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -executableName
- Executable name that is invoked to start the process. This parameter is only applicable to WebSphere Application Server version. (String, optional)
- -executableArguments
- Arguments that are passed to the process when it is started. This parameter is only applicable to WebSphere Application Server version. (String, optional)
- -workingDirectory
- File system directory that the process uses for the current working directory. (String, optional)
- -executableTargetKind
- Type of the executable target. Valid values include JAVA_CLASS and EXECUTABLE JAR. (String, optional)
- -executableTarget
- Name of the executable target. The executable target is a Java class containing a main() method, or the name of an executable JAR file. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setProcessDefinition {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setProcessDefinition('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setProcessDefinition(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setProcessDefinition {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setProcessDefinition ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setProcessDefinition (['-interactive'])
Use the setTraceSpecification command to set the trace specification for the server. If the server is running new trace specification the change takes effect immediately. This command also saves the trace specification in configuration.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server whose trace specification will be set. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -traceSpecification
- Trace specification. (String, required)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setTraceSpecification {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -traceSpecification*=all=enabled}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setTraceSpecification('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -traceSpecification*=all=enabled]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setTraceSpecification(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-traceSpecification', '*=all=enabled'])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask setTraceSpecification {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.setTraceSpecification ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.setTraceSpecification (['-interactive'])
Use the showJVMProperties command to list the JVM configuration for the server of the application process.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the Server whose JVM properties are shown. If there is only one server in the entire configuration, then this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server locates. If the server name is unique in the entire cell, then this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -propertyName
- If we specify this parameter, the value of this property is returned. If we do not specify this parameter, all JVM properties will return in list format. Each element in the list is a property name and value pair. (String, optional)
Optional parameters
- -propertyName
- If we specify this parameter, the value of this property is returned. If we do not specify this parameter, all JVM properties will return in list format. Each element in the list is a property name and value pair. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showJVMProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showJVMProperties('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showJVMProperties(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-propertyName', ''])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showJVMProperties {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showJVMProperties ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showJVMProperties (['-interactive'])
Use the showJVMSystemProperties command to show the Java virtual machine (JVM) system properties for the process of the application server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server whose JVM properties will be shown. If there is only one server in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -propertyName
- If we specify this parameter, the value of specified property is returned. If we do not specify this parameter, all properties will return in a list where each element is a property name and value pair. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showJVMSystemProperties {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showJVMSystemProperties('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showJVMSystemProperties(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-propertyName', ''])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showJVMSystemProperties {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showJVMSystemProperties ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showJVMSystemProperties (['-interactive'])
Use the showProcessDefinition command to show the process definition of the server.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -serverName
- Name of the server for which the process definition is shown. If only one server exists in the configuration, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
- -nodeName
- Node name where the server resides. If the server name is unique in the cell, this parameter is optional. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -propertyName
- If we do not specify this parameter, all the process definitions of the server are returned in a list format where each element in the list is property name and value pair. If we specify this parameter, the property value of the property name that specified is returned. (String, optional)
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showProcessDefinition {-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showProcessDefinition('[-serverName server1 -nodeName node1 -propertyName]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showProcessDefinition(['-serverName', 'server1', '-nodeName', 'node1', '-propertyName', ''])
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showProcessDefinition {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showProcessDefinition ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showProcessDefinition (['-interactive'])
The showServerInfo command returns the information for a server specified.
Target object The configuration ID of the server. ( required)
Parameters and return values
- Parameters: None
- Returns: A list of metadata.
Batch mode example:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showServerInfo server1(cells/WAS00Network/nodes/ndnode1/servers/server1|server.xml)
- Jython string...
- Jython list:
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showServerInfo {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showServerInfo ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showServerInfo (['-interactive'])
The showServerTypeInfo command displays information about a specific server type.
Target object Specifies a server type. For example: APPLICATION_SERVER (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -version
- Version of the templates to list. For example, (String, optional)
- -serverType
- Specifies to list templates for a specific server type. (String, optional)
- -name
- Whether to look for a specific template. (String, optional)
- -queryExp
- Specifies a key and value pair that we can use to find templates by properties. For example, (String[], optional).
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showServerTypeInfo APPLICATION_SERVER
- Jython string...
- Jython list:
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showServerTypeInfo {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showServerTypeInfo ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showServerTypeInfo (['-interactive'])
Use the showTemplateInfo command to display the metadata information for a specific server template.
Target object
Specifies the configuration Id of the server type. (String, required)
Parameters and return values
Batch mode example usage:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showTemplateInfo default(templates/servertypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers/default|server.xml) {isSystemTemplate true} {name default} { 6.0.0} {description {The WebSphere Default Server Template}} { 0.0} { 6} { {}}{isDefaultTemplate true}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showTemplateInfo(default(templates/serverTypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers/default|server.xml)) '[[isSystemTemplate true] [ 6.0.0] [name default] [ 0.0] [description The WebSphere Default Server Template] [isDefaultTemplate true] [] [ 6]]'
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showTemplateInfo(default(templates/serverTypes/APPLICATION_SERVER/servers/default|server.xml)) [['isSystemTemplate', 'true'], ['', '6.0.0'], ['name', 'default'] ['', '0.0'], ['description', 'The WebSphere Default Server Template'] ['isDefaultTemplate', 'true'], [''], ['', '6']]
Interactive mode:
- Jacl:
$AdminTask showTemplateInfo {-interactive}
- Jython string...
AdminTask.showTemplateInfo ('[-interactive]')
- Jython list:
AdminTask.showTemplateInfo (['-interactive'])
Related tasks
Use the wsadmin scripting AdminTask object for scripted administration
Commands (AdminTask)