Use the script to automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file.
The script file is located in the <WAS_HOME>/bin/ directory.
To use the script to propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file, configure the Plugin config change script using the console, or use the ODCPluginCfgUpdateScript_<definitionID> custom property. For more information about the console procedure, read about propagating the plugin-cfg.xml file. Read about generating the plug-in configuration in a high availability environment for more information about the ODCPluginCfgUpdateScript_<definitionID> custom property.
The script file supports two operations: copyToRepository and uploadToIHSAdminServer:
- copyToRepository <localPath> <remoteRepositoryPath> [<remoteRepositoryPath> ...] copies a locally generated plugin-cfg.xml file into one or more locations in the deployment manager configuration repository, and performs a node synchronization to push the plugin-cfg.xml file to all remote nodes.
Some usage examples are:
- <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -lang jython copyToRepository /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell/nodes/myIHSNode/servers/myIHSServer/plugin-cfg.xml
- <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -lang jython copyToRepository /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell/nodes/myIHSNode1/servers/myIHSServer1/plugin-cfg.xml cells/myCell1/nodes/myIHSNode2/servers/myIHSServer2/plugin-cfg.xml
- uploadToIHSAdminServer <url> <uid> <pwd> <localPath> <remotePath> uploads a local plugin-cfg.xml file to a remote IBM HTTP Server (IHS) administration server.
- localPath is the absolute path to the local file that is to be copied or uploaded.
- remoteRepsitoryPath is the relative path in the repository where the local file can be copied to.
- remotePath is the absolute path of the file on the IHS administration server.
- url is a IHS administration server URL of the form <proto>://<host>:port, where proto is HTTP or HTTPS.
- uid is the user name identifier to use in authenticating to the IHS administration server.
- pwd is the password to use in authenticating to the IHS administration server.
A usage example is:
<WAS_HOME>/bin/ -f <WAS_HOME>/bin/ -lang jython https://myIHSHost:8192 ihsusr ihsusrPassword /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml /opt/HTTPServer/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
We can also automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers using the autoPropagate keyword option in the console. Read about propagating the plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers using the autoPropagate keyword option for more information.
Related tasks
Configure an ODR to dynamically update the web server plug-in configuration Generating the plug-in configuration in a high availability environment Propagating the plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers