Propagating the plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers
For web servers defined in the WAS Network Deployment (ND) configuration, we can automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to web servers using the autoPropagate keyword option, or using the script.
- autoPropagate keyword option:
- The format of this option is autoPropagate,<cellName:><nodeName:><webServerName>.
- More than one <cellName:><nodeName:><webServerName> combination can be defined using a comma as the delimiter.
- Each field <cellName:><nodeName:><webServerName> can use an asterisk for a wildcard. For example:
- script:
The script is available in the <WAS_HOME>/bin/ directory. To learn more about this script, read about
To propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file using the autoPropagate keyword option, or the script, follow this procedure:
- In the console, go to the On demand router settings page:
- For stand-alone on demand router (ODR) processes, click Servers > Server types > On demand routers > ODR_name > On demand router properties > On demand router settings.
- For a static cluster of ODR processes, click Servers > Clusters > On demand router clusters > ODR_static_cluster_name > On demand router properties > On demand router settings.
- For a dynamic cluster of ODR processes, go to Servers > Clusters > Dynamic clusters > ODR_dynamic_cluster_name > Server template > On demand router properties > On demand router settings.
- In the Proxy plugin configuration policy section, select the scope from the Generate plugin configuration drop-down list.
- In the Proxy plugin configuration policy section, define an absolute path to the script that you enter in the Plugin config change script text box. The defined script is invoked every time the plugin-cfg.xml is dynamically updated.
- Enter the autoPropagate keyword in the Plugin config change script text box to automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file.
- Enter the script in the Plugin config change script text box to automatically propagate the generated plugin-cfg.xml file.
/opt/WAS/bin/ -f /opt/WAS/bin/ -lang jython https://myIHSHost:8192 ihsusr ihsusrPassword /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml /opt/HTTPServer/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
/tmp/;/bin/;/opt/WAS/bin/ -f /opt/WAS/bin/ -lang jython https://myIHSHost:8192 ihsusr ihsusrPassword /tmp/plugin-cfg.xml /opt/HTTPServer/plugins/config/webserver1/plugin-cfg.xml
- Click Apply, and save and synchronize the changes.
- Restart the ODR for the changes to take effect. plugin-cfg.xml is generated every time the ODR starts, when there are administrative actions performed that impact what URIs the ODR handles, and when changes in the environment affect the content of the plugin-cfg.xml file.
Related tasks
Configure an ODR to dynamically update the web server plug-in configuration Generating the plug-in configuration in a high availability environment