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SIP proxy server custom properties

We can add the following custom properties to the configuration settings for the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) proxy server.

To specify custom properties for a specific SIP proxy server, navigate to the custom properties page, and specify a value for the custom property.

Important: The custom properties are supported as the primary method of configuration. If a custom property is set and then set the corresponding setting in the console, the custom property value is used.

  1. In the console, open the configuration tab for the server...

      Servers | Server Types | WebSphere proxy servers | server_name | Proxy Settings | SIP Proxy Server Settings | SIP proxy settings | Additional properties | Custom properties | New

  2. On the configuration page, type the custom property to configure in the Name field, and type the value of the custom property in the Value field.

  3. Click Apply or OK.

  4. Click Save on the console task bar to save the configuration changes.

  5. Restart the server.


Percentage of bursts during a given period of time. Controls the amount of bursts that occur during the averaging period.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 100


Static ratio. Used during the transition period when a transition period is specified.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


Whether or not to drop packets when the SIP container is in an overloaded state. When set to False, the proxy server responds with a 503 error when overloaded, otherwise the packet is dropped.

Information Value
Data type String
Default False


Period of time, in seconds, during which in-dialog messages are averaged.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 180


Response code when a SIP request for affinity fails. This custom property enables you to override the default 404 error response that normally displays when affinity fails.

Information Value
Data type Integer value that is a valid SIP response code
Default 404


Response text to display when a SIP request for affinity fails. This custom property enables you to override the default "Not Found" error text that normally displays when affinity fails.

Information Value
Data type String
Default "Not Found"


Whether we want the SIP proxy server to use the maddr parameter in the VIA header to determine where to route SIP responses. If true, the SIP proxy server uses the maddr parameter to determine where to route responses. If a value is not specified for this property or if this property is set to false, the SIP proxy server does not use the maddr parameter to determine where to route responses.

Information Value
Data type String
Default false


Number of historical sipproxy.log files we want the SIP proxy server to keep. By default, the SIP proxy server only keeps one historical sipproxy.log file.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 1


Whether to log the complete SIP message, minus any headers that are hidden for security reasons, when access logging is enabled on the SIP proxy server. By default, only a subset of the SIP headers are logged.

Information Value
Data type String
Default False


Percentage of the maximum number of messages per averaging period set. If set to 0, then the maximum throughput feature is disabled. This custom property is used to calculate the maximum number of messages allowed per second before the proxy server begins to reject requests for new sessions. This custom property should be set to the same value for each proxy server.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


Indicates the number of SIP advisor requests to miss before the SIP proxy recognizes that is it not processing any data. With this custom property, the SIP proxy will notice the failure to receive load balancer advisor requests.

If we use this custom property, consider setting its value to 3.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default No default value - this property is not enabled unless specified a value.


Period of time, in seconds, during which out-dialog messages are averaged.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 360


Value for the response code returned from the proxy when overload occurs and SIP requests from the container are rejected. When the proxy is configured for overload protection, the SIP proxy can be configured to detect overload status. The proxy monitors the amount of traffic processed at the proxy and limits the number of new requests. If a container is overloaded, the proxy rejects requests with a 503 response code. If we prefer to use a different response code for overload protection, we can configure this custom property to return a different response code.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 503


The response reason phrase that the proxy server issues when overload occurs and SIP requests from the container are rejected. When the proxy is configured for overload protection, the SIP proxy can be configured to detect overload status. The proxy monitors the amount of traffic processed at the proxy and limits the number of new requests. If a container is overloaded, the proxy rejects requests with a Service Unavailable response phrase. If we prefer to use a different response phrase, we can configure this custom property to return a different response phrase.

Information Value
Data type String
Default Service Unavailable


Percentage of bursts allowed through periodically (BTF).

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 150


Period of time, in seconds, to lock the deflator after the container shuts down.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


Specifies, in milliseconds, the amount of time the SIP proxy server waits for a DNS lookup to return from the Load Balancer.

If we do not specify a value for this custom property, the SIP proxy server waits for 2 seconds.

Specify a value of 0 to disable the monitoring of DNS lookups.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 3000 milliseconds


Period of time, in seconds, before the proxy server restarts to allow the proxy to become stable in the cluster and avoid an erroneous overloaded state.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


Specifies a colon-delimited list of IP addresses from which messages with a p-asserted identity header can flow through the SIP proxy server for WebSphere Application Server. If a p-asserted identity header exists in a message from an IP address that is not in this list of IP addresses, the header is removed.

The list of IP addresses must be specific, such as

Beginning with this service release, the custom property requires a semicolon-delimited list. Also, we can specify a range of IP addresses such as 192.168.0.* instead of a list of specific IP addresses.

Information Value
Data type Numerical list of IP addresses
Default None


Degree to which the SIP proxy server is stopped and shuts down. Setting contactRegistryEnabled to false allows the SIP proxy server to bypass using the contact registry in shutting down. If contactRegistryEnabled is set to true, the default value, then the SIP Proxy server would take a long time to update its TCP/TLS routing tables. When a SIP Proxy server is stopped and it is managing a large number of connections, the shut down process can take a long time to complete. Setting contactRegistryEnabled to false enables a quicker shut down.

Information Value
Data type String
Default true


Default TCP chain name to use when setOutboundInterface is not called. For the web collaboration feature of the Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) in a multihome environment, set this variable properly so that the web collaboration component can pick up the proper interface to use when routing data.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Default TLS chain name to use when setOutboundInterface is not called. For the web collaboration feature of the Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) in a multihome environment, set this variable properly so that the web collaboration component can pick up the proper interface to use when routing data.

Information Value
Data type String
Default True


Default UDP chain name to use when setOutboundInterface is not called. For the web collaboration feature of the Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA) in a multihome environment, set this variable properly so that the web collaboration component can pick up the proper interface to use when routing data.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Whether or not to enable We added a new load balancing algorithm that does a much better job at evening the load on the application servers.

When using the WAS SIP Proxy, the user may see uneven load on the back-end application servers. The problem seems to be worse when there are more than 10 back-end application servers. By setting enableEnhancedLoadBalancing to true a new load balancing algorithm handles the uneven load in a more adequate way.

Information Value
Data type String
Default False


Whether or not to allow packets with invalid routing information to be sprayed to back-end SIP containers. To ensure that packets with invalid routing information are sprayed to back-end SIP containers, set this property to true.

Information Value
Data type String
Default false


Specifies that all identity assertion related headers in SIP requests coming through the SIP Proxy to the SIP containers should be removed. If we set this property to false, the identity assertion related headers are kept as part of the requests.

Information Value
Data type String
Default true

(WAS v8.5.0.1) ipForwardingLBEnabled

Use this property and set it to true so that when the SIP Proxy is fronted by an "IP Forwarding" Load Balancer, the SIP Proxy sends the IP address of the Load Balancer to the back-end Application Servers.

Information Value
Data type String
Default false


Whether SIP compliance checking is enabled in the SIP proxy server. SIP compliance checking ensures that the SIP messages conform to the Session Initiation Protocol standard. When true, SIP compliance checking is enabled.

Avoid trouble: If we are running a proxy server in a z/OS WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment environment, and the proxy server is not part of a cluster, we can use this custom property to enable or disable SIP compliance checking for that SIP proxy server. However if you are running a stand-alone application server or the proxy server is part of a cluster, use the DisSipComplianceEnabledto generic JVM argument to enable or disable SIP compliance checking.gotcha

Information Value
Data type String
Default true


Number of keepalive messages that must be missed before the proxy determines that the connection with the SIP container is down.

The proxy sends a keepalive message to the container at each keepAliveInterval. If the proxy does not receive a response to the message, it considers the lack of response as a failure. If the proxy receives a specific number of consecutive failures, it considers the container down and begins forwarding messages to a different SIP container.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


Interval, in milliseconds, at which keepalive messages are sent to the SIP containers. A keepalive message is sent at the specified interval. If the specified number of keepAliveFailures messages is received from the SIP container, the proxy considers the container to be down. The proxy then routes data to a back-up SIP container until the connection between the proxy and the primary container is restored.

The first keepalive message contains the interval of time between the keep alive messages and the number of failures required before the container is considered down. The starting values should be specified based on the high availability (HA) heartbeat configuration.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0


IP address, such as, of the load balancer used to load balance the SIP proxy. Multiple load balancer addresses can be configured by separating each IP address using a semicolon (;).

When SIP messages with the method configured as SIPAdvisorMethodName are received by the SIP proxy from the specified IP address, the SIP proxy responds with a success message if the SIP proxy can forward the messages to the SIP container. The SIP proxy responds with a failure message if messages cannot be forwarded to the SIP container. The load balancer then determines if the messages should be routed to the SIP proxy.

Information Value
Data type String
Default null


Source interface to which the proxy binds when establishing connections to back-end SIP containers. This property is used when the proxy server is multihomed and needs to be configured to use a specific interface to send SIP traffic to the SIP containers. This property applies to both Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) connections.

Information Value
Data type String
Default *


Whether a Max-Forwards header must be present in all SIP requests and responses. The Max-Forwards header is used to limit the number of proxies or gateways that can forward a request.

The SIP Proxy requires that the Max-Forwards header be present in all SIP requests and responses. When true, which is the default setting, and a Max-Forwards header is not included in a request, the SIP proxy issues a warning message that sends a 400 error response to that SIP request.

If we set this custom property to false the Max-Forwards header requirement is not enforced the requirement of the Max-Forwards header being required. Even if this property is set to false the SIP proxy decrements the value of this header if it is present in the request.

Information Value
Data type String
Default true


Specify the highest valid port number that can be used to establish a TCP/TLS client connection.

Typically, if a SIP proxy server receives a SIP response from the application server, and the SIP proxy server does not have a TCP/TLS client connection, the SIP proxy server creates a connection to the client, using the port specified in the VIA header. If the port listed in the VIA is invalid, the connection fails.

If we specify a port number value for this property, when a SIP proxy server does not have a TCP/TLS client connection, it checks to see if the port contained in the VIA header is equal to or lower than the port number specified for this property.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default none


Number of messages that can be queued when a connection is slow or cannot be established. If the value is a large number, then more memory is consumed. A small number causes packets to be lost if the endpoint clears.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 100000


Value, in bytes, for the maximum size of an incoming UDP packet, which is the size of the receive buffer that is allocated in the proxy server-side UDP connection.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 65535


Value, in bytes, for the lower-level datagram buffers, which is the size of the DatagramSocket receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) in the proxy server-side User Datagram Protocol (UDP) connection.

Use this property to buffer multiple packets in the DatagramSocket layer. If the value of the property is too small, then packets might be lost if the server is overloaded. If the value is too large, then the packets might be delayed.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 1024000


Amount of time, in seconds, before the client tries again to route a request to the proxy server. This custom property value is returned to the client in the error response if the SIP container is overloaded or if the SIP proxy cannot locate a server to which to route a request.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 5


Value, in bytes, for the lower-level datagram buffers, which is the size of the DatagramSocket send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) in the proxy server-side UDP connection.

Use this property to buffer multiple packets in the DatagramSocket layer. If the value of the property is too small, then packets might be lost if the server is overloaded. If the value is too large, then the packets might be delayed.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 1024000


Host name or IP address used for all communications between the SIP proxy and the SIP containers when the network is segmented. This interface is the specific network interface for all UDP data that enters or exits the SIP containers. We must use this property with the serverUDPPort property.

Information Value
Data type String
Default *


Specifies the UDP port used for SIP container communications. When the firewall is between the SIP proxy and the SIP container, you might set this value if a specific interface is needed to communicate with the SIP containers or if a specific port is required to pass through the firewall.

Information Value
Data type String
Default dynamic


Specifies a string value for the method sent by the load balancer to the SIP proxy for health checks.

The format is OPTIONS or INFO. This property is used with the LBIPAddr property.

Information Value
Data type String
Default null


Actual cell name containing the cluster of SIP containers.

Set the sipClusterCellName custom property to be the cell name containing the configured cluster of SIP containers

Information Value
Data type String
Default Cell name in which the proxy resides


Specifies, in milliseconds, the time interval for how often the SIP proxy polls to read the system time.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 10 milliseconds


Host name for the IP Sprayer for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Port for the IP Sprayer for Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Host name for the IP Sprayer for Transport Layer Security (TLS) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Port for the IP Sprayer for Transport Layer Security (TLS) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Host name for the IP Sprayer for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Port for the IP Sprayer for User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets.

Information Value
Data type String
Default None


Indicates how the SIP proxy server handles SIP UDP requests that are addressed to a specific partition ID when the corresponding application server is not functioning.

When true, the SIP proxy server drops UDP requests for a certain amount of time. If the partition ID does not failover to another application server within this period of time, the SIP proxy server generates an error response.

If this property is not specified of if this property is set to false , SIP UDP requests that are addressed to a specific partition ID are dropped at the SIP proxy server if the corresponding application server is not functioning, and no error response is generated.

Information Value
Data type String
Default false


Amount of time, in milliseconds, for reporting PMI statistics.

A value of zero indicates the statistics are reported during PMI callbacks.

Information Value
Data type Integer
Default 0

(V8502) useExistingOutboundConnection

Whether the SIP proxy reuses an existing connection or can create a new outbound connection if the connection to the client is broken while the proxy processes SIP responses.

When true, the SIP proxy always reuses an existing outbound connection if the connection to the client is broken.

When this property is not set or is set to false , the SIP proxy can create a new outbound connection or reuse an existing outbound connection if the connection to the client is broken. Creating new outbound connections can leave open unnecessary connections to the client that over time might result in an out-of-memory error.

Information Value
Data type String
Default false

Related concepts

Session Initiation Protocol overload protection

  • Load balancing with the Session Initiation Protocol proxy server
  • Configure the SIP container