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Configure the SIP container

Configure the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) container to adjust message response times or set a custom property.

Use the console to configure SIP container settings. Complete the following steps to find and configure the SIP container settings.

  1. Start WebSphere Application Server.

  2. From the console, click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name.

  3. From Container Settings, expand SIP Container Settings, and click SIP Container. Select the container settings to change.

    • From General Properties, we can configure session, message, and response time maximums. See Session Initiation Protocol container settings and SIP container custom properties.

    • From Additional Properties, we can define custom properties, manage transport chains or inbound channel settings, or configure the session manager.

  4. After configuring the SIP container, click Apply to save the changes.

  5. Restart WebSphere Application Server.


Changes to the SIP container settings take effect after you restart WebSphere Application Server.

Avoid trouble: As the number of SIP containers grow in a deployment, the larger the heap settings need to be on the SIP proxy server. For example, a deployment of 20 containers requires a minimum heap size of 60 MB, so a -Xmo60m parameter should be added to the Generic JVM arguments field on the JVM panel of the admin console. However, a deployment of 70 containers requires a larger value such as 200 MB (-Xmo200m). See the information center topic Java virtual machine settings for more information about Generic JVM arguments.gotcha


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