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Remote web server management

Use this page to configure a remote IBM HTTP Server web server.

To view the console page for Remote web server management, click Servers > Server Types > Web Servers > web_server_name > Remote web server management.

For a WAS Network Deployment configuration, click System Administration > Nodes > Add node to create a new, unmanaged node. Then click Servers > Web Servers > New to create a web server using the newly-created unmanaged node.

Web servers

Information Description
Port Indicates the port to access the administration server (default is 8008).

(iseries) The HTTP administration server port is 2001 on iSeries i.

Use SSL Specifies if the port is secure.
User ID User ID in the <install_dir>/conf/admin.passwd file. Create this with the htpasswd script file, located in the <install_dir>/bin directory.
Password Specifies a password in the <install_dir>/conf/admin.passwd file. Create this with the htpasswd script file, located in the <install_dir>/bin directory.

(iseries) On IBM i, there is no htpasswd script in the <install_dir>/bin directory. The HTTP administrator is typically created as an IBM i SECOFR profile.

Related tasks

  • Implement a web server plug-in
  • Set up a remote web server

    Related information:

  • Web server collection
  • Web server configuration
  • Web server log file
  • Web server custom properties
  • Web server configuration file
  • Web server plug-in properties