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Intelligent Management: overview

What is Intelligent Management?

Intelligent Management provides an enhanced quality of service using dynamic operations and extended manageability.

Intelligent Management provides application server virtualization, resource management, and performance visualization, health management, and application edition management.

Service high-volume transactional workloads with linear scalability and high availability. Manage large scale, continuously available application server environments.

Application edition management provides the ability to roll out new versions of applications without experiencing downtime for a maintenance window. Health management offers you the ability to specify conditions to monitor and corrective actions to take when the conditions are observed. Both of these capabilities improve the resiliency and availability of applications in an Intelligent Management environment. Dynamic workload management allows us to automatically change the application footprint during runtime, based on incoming application demand. As a result, multiple applications sharing a common resource pool can provision the average usage, and can share a set of resources to handle peak usage scenarios.

Intelligent Management does not change any APIs or WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment binary files. Specific Intelligent Management features can only be used with specific applications; any limitations depend on the application design, performance, and quality of service requirement. Most limitations can be overcome by tuning the topology or configuring the applications.

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