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Supported middleware server types

We can create representations of servers that run other middleware software and then manage the servers.

Middleware servers encompass all servers in the middleware tier that provide the infrastructure for applications or their data. The steps vary depending on if you are configuring assisted lifecycle management middleware servers or complete lifecycle management middleware servers.

With assisted lifecycle servers, you use templates to create representations of the servers. However, these servers still exist within the administrative domain of their respective middleware platform.

The following server types are supported with assisted lifecycle middleware server support through the console and wsadmin scripting. We can control the servers operationally, monitor, and view server health and performance, and configure the console to display log files and configuration files for these servers.

Complete lifecycle servers include any servers that the environment can instantiate or create. We can control the servers operationally, deploy applications, and monitor and view server health and performance. The following server types are supported with complete lifecycle middleware server support through the console and wsadmin scripting:

To support any other server that supports HTTP traffic, we can create a custom HTTP server representation of the server in the console.

Related concepts

  • Middleware nodes and servers

    Related tasks

  • Add middleware servers to configurations