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Runtime operations

Use runtime operations to configure the dynamic operation environment and the visualization capability to understand the operational state of the environment.

Use runtime operations in the console to visualize the inner workings of the environment. We can see what types of decisions are made regarding deployment of applications and allocation of hardware. We can also discover where in a virtual resource pool the applications are running to facilitate debugging, manageability, and resilience. Use runtime operations to view the current state of the environment and take administrative actions. For instance, we can override decisions made by the provisioner, or modify application priority and availability through the operations console.

Runtime operations are divided into several functions. With the runtime operations navigational group, we can view the status of the Intelligent Management environment and create reports to view the performance of the environment over time. With the task manager, we can approve and deny system suggestions through a one-click option.

Important: JavaScript must be enabled in the browser for the runtime operations panels to work properly.

Related tasks

  • Monitor Intelligent Management operations

    Related information:

  • Intelligent Management: overview