Administer Service integration
This page provides a starting point for finding information about service integration.
Service integration provides asynchronous messaging services. In asynchronous messaging, producing applications do not send messages directly to consuming applications. Instead, they send messages to destinations. Consuming applications receive messages from these destinations. A producing application can send a message and then continue processing without waiting until a consuming application receives the message. If necessary, the destination stores the message until the consuming application is ready to receive it.
- Enable service integration notification events
We can monitor the service integration environment by using notification events.
- Administer service integration buses
Application servers or clusters of appservers in a WAS cell can cooperate to provide asynchronous messaging services. Service integration provides asynchronous messaging services, and a group of servers or clusters that cooperate in this way is called a service integration bus. Each of the cooperating servers or clusters is made a member of the bus. In the simplest case, a service integration bus consists of a single bus member, which is one appserver.
- Administer messaging engines
These topics provide information about messaging engines, which provide the processing function on a service integration bus.
- Administer message stores
A message store enables a messaging engine to preserve operating information and to retain those objects that messaging engines need for recovery in the event of a failure. The default message store for a typical messaging engine is file store. We can also configure a messaging engine to use a data store.
- Administer bus destinations
Configure service integration bus destinations, so that applications can attach to them to exchange messages as producers, consumers, or both.
- Administer mediations
These topics provide information about mediations, which are used to change how messages are handled at destinations on a service integration bus.
- SIB service [Settings]
The service that provides service integration functions.
- Add a transport to the list of permitted transports [Settings]
Add a transport to the list of permitted transports.
- Alias destination [Settings]
An alias destination makes a destination available by another name and, optionally, overrides the parameters of the destination.
- Application resources for this destination
This pane provides an expandable tree view of all the applications and messaging resources that reference the current destination, both directly and indirectly. As many of the references as possible are resolved to links to the associated configuration panel for the referenced object.
- Bootstrap members [Collection]
Bus members, servers and clusters that client applications can target to bootstrap into the given bus.
- Bus members [Settings]
Bus members are the servers, WebSphere MQ servers and clusters that have been added to the bus.
- Bus members [Collection]
Bus members are the servers, WebSphere MQ servers and clusters that have been added to the bus.
- Buses [Collection]
A service integration bus supports applications using message-based and service-oriented architectures. A bus is a group of interconnected servers and clusters that have been added as members of the bus. Applications connect to a bus at one of the messaging engines associated with its bus members.
- Buses [Settings]
A service integration bus supports applications using message-based and service-oriented architectures. A bus is a group of interconnected servers and clusters that have been added as members of the bus. Applications connect to a bus at one of the messaging engines associated with its bus members.
- Context properties [Collection]
Context information used to enable correct processing of messages. This information adds to the context information derived from processing the message header.
- Context properties [Settings]
Context information used to enable correct processing of messages. This information adds to the context information derived from processing the message header.
- Custom properties [Collection]
Use this panel to specify an arbitrary name and value pair. The value specified for the name and value pair is a string that can set internal system configuration properties.
- Custom properties [Collection]
Use this panel to specify an arbitrary name and value pair. The value specified for the name and value pair is a string that can set internal system configuration properties.
- Custom properties [Settings]
Arbitrary name-value pairs of data, where the name is a property key and the value is a string value that can be used to set internal system configuration properties. Defining a new property enables you to configure a setting beyond that which is available in the admin console.
- Data store [Settings]
The persistent store for messages and other state managed by the messaging engine.
- Default access roles [Settings]
This pane shows the role type assignments for the default access.
- Destinations access roles [Collection]
This pane displays a list of all destinations known by the bus: aliases, foreign destinations, ports, queues, temporary destination prefixes, topic spaces and web services.
- Destinations access roles [Settings]
This pane displays the role type assignments for the selected destinations.
- Destinations [Collection]
A bus destination is defined on a service integration bus, and is hosted by one or more locations within the bus. Applications can attach to the destination as producers, consumers, or both to exchange messages.
- Destination defaults [Settings]
Properties to be applied when applications use destinations on this foreign bus when there is no explicit foreign destination definition.
- File store [Settings]
The persistent store for messages and other state managed by the messaging engine.
- Foreign bus connections [Collection]
A foreign bus connection allows communication with another bus. The foreign bus can represent another Service Integration Bus, an instance of WebSphere MQ, or an indirect connection to another foreign bus.
- Foreign bus [Settings]
This pane shows the role type assignments for the selected foreign buses.
- Foreign bus connections [Settings]
A foreign bus connection allows communication with another bus. The foreign bus can represent another Service Integration Bus, an instance of WebSphere MQ, or an indirect connection to another foreign bus.
- Foreign destination [Settings]
The name by which this foreign destination is known for admin purposes.
- Inbound messages [Collection]
The inbound message streams from the remote queue point.
- Indirect routing properties [Settings]
The routing definition for the next service integration bus in a sequence of connected buses.
- JFAP inbound channel [Settings]
A channel which can be used in combination with the TCP Channel - or other channels that support the same application interface to accept inbound connections to a WebSphere system integration bus messaging engine.
- Known link transmitter inbound streams [Collection]
This pane displays the inbound message streams from messaging applications that are connected to the remote messaging engine, and that are producing messages to this WebSphere MQ link sender channel transmitter.
- Known link transmitter stream messages [Collection]
This pane displays current messages on the inbound message stream.
- Known link transmitters [Collection]
This pane displays the inbound receiver queues for messaging applications connected to remote messaging engines, that are producing messages to this WebSphere MQ link sender channel transmitter.
- Known remote publication points [Collection]
The remote messaging engines that have remote producers connected to this publication point.
- Known remote publication points [Settings]
The remote messaging engines that have remote producers connected to this publication point.
- Queue [Settings]
A queue for point-to-point messaging.
- Remote queue points [Collection]
The remote queue points that are producing or consuming messages to or from queue points on remote messaging engines.
- Known remote queue points [Collection]
The remote messaging engines that have remote producers or consumers connected to this queue point.
- Remote queue points [Settings]
The remote queue points that are producing/consuming messages to/from queue points on remote messaging engines.
- Known remote queue points [Settings]
The remote messaging engines that have remote producers or consumers connected to this queue point.
- Known remote subscription points [Collection]
The remote messaging engines that have remote consumers connected to this subscription point.
- Known remote subscription points [Settings]
The remote messaging engines that have remote consumers connected to this subscription point.
- Link receiver stream messages [Collection]
This pane displays the current messages on the link receiver stream.
- Link receiver streams [Collection]
This pane displays the inbound message streams from messaging applications on the foreign bus for the link receiver.
- Link receivers [Collection]
A link can have multiple link receivers. For applications that use point-to-point messaging, there is one link receiver for each messaging engine in the foreign bus, that is, the bus that sends messages across the link. For applications that use publish/subscribe messaging, there is one link receiver for each topic space in the foreign bus. The link receiver acts as an inbound receiver queue for a messaging engine that has applications attached and that is producing messages across this service integration bus link.
- Link transmitters [Collection]
A link can have multiple link transmitters. For applications that use point-to-point messaging, there is one link transmitter on each messaging engine in the source bus. For applications that use publish/subscribe messaging, there is one link transmitter for each topic space in the source bus. The link transmitter acts as a transmission queue where produced messages are persisted before transmission across the service integration bus link or WebSphere MQ link to the foreign bus.
- Link transmitter stream messages [Collection]
This pane displays the outbound messages to the foreign bus link, on the link transmitter stream.
- Link transmitter streams [Collection]
This pane displays the outbound message streams, by quality of service, for the link transmitter.
- Manage foreign bus access roles [Collection]
A foreign bus is another bus with which this bus can exchange messages.
- Mediation points [Collection]
Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.
- Mediation points [Collection]
Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.
- Mediation points [Settings]
Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.
- Mediation thread pool [Settings]
The thread pool used to allocate threads for the execution of mediation handlers.
- Mediations [Collection]
A mediation that is associated with a bus destination to apply processing to messages on that destination.
- Mediations [Settings]
A mediation that is associated with a bus destination to apply processing to messages on that destination.
- Message body [Settings]
The contents of the message body.
- Message points [Collection]
Queue points and publication points for the messaging engine.
- Message Requests [Collection]
A snapshot of the current message retrieval requests from the message point.
- Message requests [Collection]
A snapshot of the current message retrieval requests from the remote message point.
- Messages [Collection]
A snapshot of the current outbound messages for the message point.
- Messages [Collection]
A snapshot of the current outbound messages for the message point.
- Messages [Collection]
The messages on the message point.
- Messages [Settings]
The properties for a message on the message point.
- Messages [Settings]
The properties for a message on the message point.
- Messages [Settings]
The properties for a message on the message point.
- Messaging engine policy maintenance [Collection]
This pane shows all the messaging engine policies for this cluster and their current settings, that is, the settings that determine messaging engine behavior. This list of policies comprises all the core group policies that are associated with the messaging engines in the cluster. If required, we can make a messaging engine policy conform to the currently selected messaging engine policy assistance type. We can also access the associated core group policy settings, although you should not change these settings unless you already have experience of doing so.
- Messaging engines [Collection]
A messaging engine is a component, running inside a server, that manages messaging resources for a bus member. Applications are connected to a messaging engine when they access a service integration bus.
- Messaging engines [Settings]
A messaging engine is a component, running inside a server, that manages messaging resources for a bus member. Applications are connected to a messaging engine when they access a service integration bus.
- Messaging resources for this application
This pane provides an expandable tree view of all the references to messaging resources declared in the deployment descriptors for the current application. As many of the references as possible are resolved to links to the associated configuration panel for the referenced object.
- Permitted transports [Collection]
A permitted transport is a transport mechanism that this bus will allow remote clients to use.
- Port [Settings]
- Property [Settings]
Use this panel to specify an arbitrary name and value pair. The value specified for the name and value pair is a string that can set internal system configuration properties.
- Publication points [Collection]
The message point for a topic space, for publish/subscribe messaging.
- Publication points [Collection]
The message point for a topic space, for publish/subscribe messaging.
- Publication points [Settings]
The message point for a topic space, for publish/subscribe messaging.
- Publish/subscribe broker profiles [Collection]
Profiles used to define the topic mappings and transactionality for publishing and receiving (by subscription) topics across the publish/subscribe bridge between WAS and a message broker in a WebSphere MQ network.
- Publish/subscribe broker profiles [Settings]
Profiles used to define the topic mappings and transactionality for publishing and receiving (by subscription) topics across the publish/subscribe bridge between WAS and a message broker in a WebSphere MQ network.
- Queue points [Collection]
The message point for a queue, for point-to-point messaging.
- Queue points [Collection]
The message point for a queue, for point-to-point messaging.
- Queue points [Settings]
The message point for a queue, for point-to-point messaging.
- Redundant core group policies [Collection]
This pane shows all the core group policies that are associated with this cluster through their match criteria, but that are not associated with any messaging engine in this cluster. Use this pane to delete redundant core group policies that you do not want.
- Remote mediation points [Collection]
The remote mediation points that are producing messages to mediation points on remote messaging engines.
- Remote mediation points [Settings]
The remote mediation points that are producing messages to mediation points on remote messaging engines.
- Outbound messages [Collection]
The outbound message streams from this remote message point to the remote localized message point.
- Remote Publication Points [Collection]
The remote publication points that are producing messages to publication points on remote messaging engines.
- Remote Publication Points [Settings]
The remote publication points that are producing messages to publication points on remote messaging engines.
- Remote subscription [Collection]
The subscription that has been made from this messaging engine to a subscription home on a remote messaging engine.
- Remote subscription [Settings]
The subscription that has been made from this messaging engine to a subscription home on a remote messaging engine.
- WebSphere MQ sender channel saved batch status [Collection]
The saved status of message batches for the sender channel saved for transmission to WebSphere MQ. We can choose to commit or rollback each batch.
- WebSphere MQ receiver channel saved batch status [Collection]
The runtime status of message batches for the receiver channel of the WebSphere MQ link.
- Security domain configuration. [Settings]
Configure the security settings for the security domain to which the service integration bus is assigned.
- Security for bus bus_name [Settings]
Configure the security settings for the service integration bus.
- Sender channel transmitters [Collection]
This pane displays the transmission queue for a WebSphere MQ link sender channel.
- WebSphere MQ link sender channel transmitter messages [Collection]
This pane displays the messages queued for transmission across the WebSphere MQ link sender channel.
- Service integration bus link routing properties [Settings]
The routing properties for a service integration bus link to a foreign service integration bus.
- Service integration bus links [Collection]
This pane displays links between this messaging engine and messaging engines in foreign service integration buses.
- Service integration bus links [Settings]
This pane displays links between this messaging engine and messaging engines in foreign service integration buses.
- Subscriptions [Collection]
The active subscriptions for the topic space.
- Broker profile subscriptions [Collection]
The list of current broker subscriptions for this broker profile.
- Subscriptions [Settings]
The active subscriptions for the topic space.
- Temporary destination prefixes [Collection]
A temporary destination prefix is a user-defined string that is used to create a temporary destination. When messaging security is enabled, users and groups require authority to create messaged and send them to temporary destinations. The authority is configured in the temporary destination prefix.
- Temporary destination prefixes [Settings]
This pane displays the role type assignments for the selected temporary destination prefixes.
- Topic Mapping [Collection]
The mapping between a topic on the service integration bus and a stream queue and subscription point provided by a WebSphere MQ broker.
- Topic Mapping [Settings]
The mapping between a topic on the service integration bus and a stream queue and subscription point provided by a WebSphere MQ broker.
- Topic [Settings]
This pane displays the role type assignments for a topic. Use this pane to add new assignments, and to modify and remove existing assignments.
- Topic space map entries [Collection]
The mapping between a topic space in the local bus and a topic space in the foreign bus.
- Topic space map entries [Settings]
The mapping between a topic space in the local bus and a topic space in the foreign bus.
- Topic space mapping [Settings]
The mapping between topic spaces in the local bus and topic spaces in the foreign bus.
- Topic space [Settings]
A topic space is a location for publish/subscribe messaging.
- Topic spaces [Collection]
Topics are defined hierarchically within topic spaces. To view the access roles for a topic, first select the topic space that contains the topic to be viewed.
- Topics [Collection]
Topics are defined hierarchically within topic spaces. To view a topic's access roles, select the topic from the hierarchical list of topics below.
- Topics [Collection]
The topics that have been subscribed to from this remote messaging engine.
- Unknown user or group [Settings]
This panel lists users and groups that do not exist in the user repository but have access role definitions.
- Unknown users and groups [Collection]
The users and groups displayed here are not defined in the user registry, but do have roles defined. This could be because they were removed from the user repository after the role assignments were made.
- Users and groups in the bus connector role [Collection]
Users in the bus connector role are able to connect to the bus to perform messaging operations. Users can have this role either by specifically having that role, or because they are in a group with that role.
- Add a user or group to the bus connector role [Settings]
Create a user or group in the bus connector role.
- Web service [Settings]
- Client connections [Collection]
The connection between a WebSphere MQ client and the bus.
- WebSphere MQ client connection [Settings]
The connection between a WebSphere MQ client and the bus.
- WebSphere MQ client link advanced properties [Settings]
Advanced configurable properties, such as message reliability and broker queue names, for the WebSphere MQ client link.
- WebSphere MQ client links [Collection]
A WebSphere MQ client link presents the messaging engine, and therefore the bus, as a WebSphere MQ queue manager to which WebSphere MQ clients can attach. This behavior enables WAS V5 JMS clients to use messaging resources on the bus.
- WebSphere MQ client link [Settings]
A WebSphere MQ client link presents the messaging engine, and therefore the bus, as a WebSphere MQ queue manager to which WebSphere MQ clients can attach. This behavior enables WAS V5 JMS clients to use messaging resources on the bus.
- WebSphere MQ links [Collection]
The WebSphere MQ link connects the messaging engine as a queue manager to WebSphere MQ, providing a bridge between the bus and a WebSphere MQ network.
- WebSphere MQ link MQFAP inbound channel [Settings]
A channel that can be used in combination with the TCP Channel or other channels within the confines of WebSphere MQ support to facilitate communications between a WebSphere system integration bus and a WebSphere MQ client or queue manager.
- WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Collection]
The receiver channel that receives messages from the gateway WebSphere MQ queue manager. The receiver channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ sender channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts MQ format messages to service integration bus messages.
- WebSphere MQ link receiver channel [Settings]
The receiver channel that receives messages from the gateway WebSphere MQ queue manager. The receiver channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ sender channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts MQ format messages to service integration bus messages.
- WebSphere MQ link routing properties [Settings]
The routing properties for a link to a foreign bus that represents a WebSphere MQ network.
- WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Collection]
This pane displays the sender channel that sends messages to the gateway queue manager. The sender channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ receiver channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts service integration bus messages to MQ format messages.
- WebSphere MQ link sender channel [Settings]
This pane displays the sender channel that sends messages to the gateway queue manager. The sender channel communicates with a WebSphere MQ receiver channel on the gateway queue manager, and converts service integration bus messages to MQ format messages.
- WebSphere MQ link [Settings]
The WebSphere MQ link connects the messaging engine as a queue manager to WebSphere MQ, providing a bridge between the bus and a WebSphere MQ network.
- Mediation execution points [Collection]
Mediation execution points for the processing of messages from mediation message points that are on a WebSphere MQ server.
- Mediation points [Collection]
Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.
- Mediation points [Settings]
Bus member (server or cluster) where the mediations for the destination run.
- WebSphere MQ mediation points [Collection]
A WebSphere MQ mediation point is a location from which a mediation takes messages.
- WebSphere MQ mediation points [Settings]
A WebSphere MQ mediation point is a location from which a mediation takes messages.
- WebSphere MQ queue points [Collection]
A WebSphere MQ queue point is used when sending messages to and receiving messages from a WebSphere MQ queue.
- WebSphere MQ queue points [Settings]
A WebSphere MQ queue point is used when sending messages to and receiving messages from a WebSphere MQ queue.
- WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Collection]
A connection that exists on the receiver channel of the WebSphere MQ link.
- WebSphere MQ link receiver channel connections [Settings]
A connection that exists on the receiver channel of the WebSphere MQ link.
- WebSphere MQ server bus member [Settings]
A WebSphere MQ server bus member is used for assigning queue points and mediation points to WebSphere MQ queues.
- WebSphere MQ servers [Collection]
A WebSphere MQ server represents a WebSphere MQ queue manager or (for WebSphere MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group.
- WebSphere MQ server [Settings]
A WebSphere MQ server represents a WebSphere MQ queue manager or (for WebSphere MQ for z/OS ) queue-sharing group. Use this panel to view or modify the details of a WebSphere MQ server definition.
- Service integration custom properties
Use custom properties to configure advanced settings for service integration objects such as messaging engines.
- SIBAdminCommands: Bus admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage service integration buses.
- createSIBus
Use the createSIBus command to create a new service integration bus.
- deleteSIBus
Use the deleteSIBus command to delete a specified service integration bus.
- listSIBuses
Use the listSIBuses command to list all service integration buses for a given scope.
- modifySIBus
Use the modifySIBus command to modify the properties of a service integration bus.
- showSIBus
Use the showSIBus command to show the properties of a service integration bus.
- addSIBusMember
Use the addSIBusMember command to add a member to a service integration bus by using wsadmin. A bus member can be an appserver, a WebSphere MQ server, or a server cluster.
- listSIBusMembers
Use the listSIBusMembers command to list the members of a service integration bus.
- modifySIBusMemberPolicy
Use the modifySIBusMemberPolicy command to change the messaging engine configuration for a cluster that is a member of a service integration bus.
- removeSIBusMember
Use the removeSIBusMember command to remove a member from a service integration bus by using the wsadmin tool. A bus member can be an appserver, a WebSphere MQ server, or a server cluster.
- showSIBusMember
Use the showSIBusMember command to show the properties of a service integration bus member.
- listAllSIBBootstrapMembers
Use the listAllSIBBootstrapMembers command to list all the bootstrap members that can bootstrap into a selected bus.
- listSIBNominatedBootstrapMembers
Use the listSIBNominatedBootstrapMembers command to list all the nominated bootstrap members for a specified bus.
- addSIBBootstrapMember
Use the addSIBBootstrapMember command to add a nominated bootstrap member to a specified bus.
- removeSIBBootstrapMember
Use the removeSIBBootstrapMember command to remove a nominated bootstrap member from a selected bus.
- SIBAdminCommands: Foreign bus admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage foreign buses. A foreign bus represents a service integration bus with which another service integration bus can exchange messages.
- createSIBForeignBus
Use the createSIBForeignBus command to create a new service integration foreign bus.
- deleteSIBForeignBus
Use the deleteSIBForeignBus command to delete a foreign bus.
- listSIBForeignBuses
Use the listSIBForeignBuses command to list all foreign buses for a specified service integration bus.
- modifySIBForeignBus
Use the modifySIBForeignBus command to modify the properties of a foreign bus.
- showSIBForeignBus
Use the showSIBForeignBus command to show the properties of a foreign bus.
- SIBAdminCommands: WebSphere MQ link admin commands for the AdminTask object
Use these admin commands to manage WebSphere MQ links. A WebSphere MQ link connects a messaging engine as a queue manager to WebSphere MQ, thereby providing a bridge between a service integration bus and a WebSphere MQ network.
- createSIBMQLink
Use the createSIBMQLink command to create a new WebSphere MQ link for a specified service integration bus.
- deleteSIBMQLink
Use the deleteSIBMQLink command to delete a WebSphere MQ link from a service integration bus.
- listSIBMQLinks
Use the listSIBMQLinks command to list all WebSphere MQ links for a specified service integration bus.
- modifySIBMQLink
Use the modifySIBMQLink command to modify the properties of a WebSphere MQ link.
- showSIBMQLink
Use the showSIBMQLink command to show the properties of a WebSphere MQ link.
- SIBAdminCommands: Bus link admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage service integration bus links. A service integration bus link defines a link between a messaging engine in one service integration bus and a messaging engine in a foreign service integration bus.
- createSIBLink
Use the createSIBLink command to create a new service integration bus link.
- deleteSIBLink
Use the deleteSIBLink command to delete a service integration bus link from a bus.
- listSIBLinks
Use the listSIBLinks command to list all service integration bus links for a given bus.
- modifySIBLink
Use the modifySIBLink command to modify the properties of a service integration bus link.
- showSIBLink
Use the showSIBLink command to show the properties of a service integration bus link.
- SIBAdminCommands: Messaging engine admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage messaging engines.
- createSIBEngine
Use the createSIBEngine command to create a messaging engine for a server or cluster bus member by using the wsadmin tool. When you add a server or a cluster as a member of a service integration bus, at least one messaging engine is created automatically. Use the createSIBEngine command to create an additional messaging engine for a cluster bus member.
- listSIBEngines
Use the listSIBEngines command to list the messaging engines for a service integration bus member.
- modifySIBEngine
Use the modifySIBEngine command to modify the properties of a messaging engine for a service integration bus member.
- showSIBEngine
Use the showSIBEngine command to list properties of a messaging engine for a service integration bus member.
- deleteSIBEngine
Use the deleteSIBEngine command to delete a messaging engine from a service integration bus member.
- createMissingSIBEnginePolicy
Use the createMissingSIBEnginePolicy command to create a core group policy for a messaging engine in a cluster that is a member of a service integration bus.
- correctSIBEnginePolicy
Use the correctSIBEnginePolicy command to change a core group policy for a messaging engine in a cluster that is a member of a service integration bus, so that the core group policy conforms to the current messaging engine policy set for the cluster.
- migrateServerMEtoCluster
When a server that is a member of a bus is converted to a cluster, use the migrateServerMEtoCluster command to migrate the messaging engine (ME) in the server to cluster scope. During the conversion, the bus membership is not automatically transferred to cluster scope. If you want the cluster to be a member of the bus, use this command to perform that transfer.
- SIBAdminCommands: Destination admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage bus destinations.
- createSIBDestination
Use the createSIBDestination command to create a new bus destination for a service integration bus.
- createSIBDestinations
Use the createSIBDestinations command to create new bus destinations for a service integration bus.
- deleteSIBDestination
Use the deleteSIBDestination command to delete a bus destination.
- deleteSIBDestinations
Use the deleteSIBDestinations command to delete bus destinations.
- listSIBDestinations
Use the listSIBDestinations command to list the bus destinations for a service integration bus.
- mediateSIBDestination
Use the mediateSIBDestination command to mediate a bus destination for a service integration bus.
- modifySIBDestination
Use the modifySIBDestination command to change properties of a bus destination for a service integration bus.
- showSIBDestination
Use the showSIBDestination command to list the property values for a bus destination.
- unmediateSIBDestination
Use the unmediateSIBDestination command to remove a mediation from a service integration bus destination.
- SIBAdminCommands: Mediation admin commands for AdminTask
Use these admin commands to manage mediations.
- createSIBMediation
Use the createSIBMediation command to create a new mediation.
- deleteSIBMediation
Use the deleteSIBMediation command to delete a mediation.
- listSIBMediations
Use the listSIBMediations command to list mediations on a service integration bus.
- modifySIBMediation
Use the modifySIBMediation command to change the properties of a mediation.
- showSIBMediation
Use the showSIBMediation command to list the property values for a mediation.
- SIBAdminCommands: WebSphere MQ server administrative commands for AdminTask
Use command scripts to create, modify, list, show and delete WebSphere MQ servers and server bus members. These commands do not support the automatic resource discovery feature provided by the admin console.
- createSIBWMQServer
Use the createSIBWMQServer command to create a new WebSphere MQ server at cell scope.
- modifySIBWMQServer
Use the modifySIBWMQServer command to modify a WebSphere MQ server.
- listSIBWMQServers
Use the listSIBWMQServers command to list the WebSphere MQ servers known to a cell.
- showSIBWMQServer
Use the showSIBWMQServer command to show details of a WebSphere MQ server.
- deleteSIBWMQServer
Use the deleteSIBWMQServer command to delete a specified WebSphere MQ server and remove the associated WebSphere MQ server bus members, assigned queue points and mediation points.
- modifySIBWMQServerBusMember
Use the modifySIBWMQServerBusMember command to modify the attributes of a WebSphere MQ server bus member.
- listSIBWMQServerBusMembers
Use the listSIBWMQServerBusMembers command to list the WebSphere MQ server bus members known to the bus.
- showSIBWMQServerBusMember
Use the showSIBWMQServerBusMember command to show a list of attributes for a WebSphere MQ server bus member.
- SIBAdminBusSecurityCommands
Use these admin commands to manage service integration bus security.
- populateUniqueNames
Use the populateUniqueNames command to add missing unique names to the authorization policy for a service integration bus.
- listGroupsInBusConnectorRole
Use the listGroupsInBusConnectorRole command to list all the groups in the connector role for a local bus.
- addGroupToBusConnectorRole
Use the addGroupToBusConnectorRole command to add a group to the connector role for a local bus.
- removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole
Use the removeGroupFromBusConnectorRole command to remove a group from the connector role for a local bus.
- listUsersInBusConnectorRole
Use the listUsersInBusConnectorRole command to list users in the connector role for a local bus.
- addUserToBusConnectorRole
Use the addUserToBusConnectorRole command to add a user to the connector role for a local bus.
- removeUserFromBusConnectorRole
Use the removeUserFromBusConnectorRole command to remove a user from the connector role for a local bus.
- listGroupsInDefaultRole
Use the listGroupsInDefaultRole command to list the groups in the default roles for a local bus.
- addGroupToDefaultRole
Use the addGroupToDefaultRole command to add a group to the default roles for a local bus.
- removeGroupfromDefaultRole
Use the removeGroupFromDefaultRole command to remove a group from the default roles for a local bus.
- listUsersInDefaultRole
Use the listUsersInDefaultRole command to list users in the default roles for a local bus.
- addUserToDefaultRole
Use the addUserToDefaultRole command to add a user to the default roles for a local bus.
- removeUserfromDefaultRole
Use the removeGroupFromDefaultRole command from remove a user from the default roles for a local bus.
- listGroupsInTopicRole
Use the listGroupsInTopicRole command to list the groups in topic roles for a topic space on a local bus.
- addGroupToTopicRole
Use the addGroupToTopicRole command to add a group to a topic role within a specified topic space.
- removeGroupFromTopicRole
Use the removeGroupFromTopicRole command to remove a group from a topic role within a specified topic space.
- listUsersInTopicRole
Use the listUsersInTopicRole command to list users in the topic roles within a specified topic space.
- addUserToTopicRole
Use the addUserToTopicRole command to add a user to a topic role within a specified topic space.
- removeUserFromTopicRole
Use the removeUserFromTopicRole command to remove a user from a topic role within a specified topic space.
- listGroupsInTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the listGroupInTopicSpaceRootRole command to list all the groups in topic space roles on the topic space root for a local bus.
- addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the addGroupToTopicSpaceRootRole command to add a group to topic space roles on the topic space root.
- removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the removeGroupFromTopicSpaceRootRole command to remove a group from access roles on the topic space root.
- listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the listUsersInTopicSpaceRootRole command to list the users in the sender and receiver roles on the topic space root.
- addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the addUserToTopicSpaceRootRole command to add a user to the sender and receiver roles on the topic space root.
- removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole
Use the removeUserFromTopicSpaceRootRole command to remove a user from access roles on the topic space root.
- listGroupsInDestinationRole
Use the listGroupsInDestinationRole command to list the groups in the destination roles for a local bus.
- addGroupToDestinationRole
Use the addGroupToDestinationRole command to add a group to the destination roles for a local or foreign bus.
- removeGroupFromDestinationRole
Use the removeGroupFromDestinationRole command to remove a group from the destination roles for a local or foreign bus.
- listUsersInDestinationRole
Use the listUsersInDestinationRole command to list users in the destination roles for a local bus.
- addUserToDestinationRole
Use the addUserToDestinationRole command to add a user to the destination roles for a local or foreign bus.
- removeUserFromDestinationRole
Use the removeUserFromDestinationRole command to remove a user from the destination roles for a local or foreign bus.
- listGroupsInForeignBusRole
Use the listGroupsInForeignBusRole command to list the groups in the sender role for a foreign bus.
- addGroupToForeignBusRole
Use the addGroupToForeignBusRole command to grant a group permission to access a foreign bus from a local bus, in the sender role.
- removeGroupFromForeignBusRole
Use the removeGroupFromForeignBusRole command to remove a group from the sender role for a foreign bus.
- listUsersInForeignBusRole
Use the listUsersInForeignBusRole command to list users that can send messages from a local bus to a foreign bus.
- addUserToForeignBusRole
Use the addUserToForeignBusRole command to grant a user permission to access a foreign bus from a local bus, in the sender role.
- removeUserFromForeignBusRole
Use the removeUserFromForeignBusRole command to remove a user from the sender role for a foreign bus.
- removeGroupFromAllRoles
Use the removeGroupFromAllRoles command to remove a group from all access roles for a local bus.
- removeUserFromAllRoles
Use the removeUserFromAllRoles command to remove a user from all access roles for a local bus.
- Determining destination defaults inheritance by using wsadmin
By default, the inheritance of default permissions by destinations is allowed for all local destinations. Use this command to determine whether the inheritance of default permissions is enabled or disabled for a local destination.
- Define destination defaults inheritance by using the wsadmin tool
By default, the inheritance of default permissions by destinations is allowed for all local destinations. Use this command to override inheritance for an individual destination, or to restore default inheritance in cases where we have previously overridden it.
- Define topic role inheritance by using wsadmin
Use these commands to define the inheritance of topic roles by child topics within a topic hierarchy.
- Determining topic role inheritance by using wsadmin
Use these commands to list whether the child topics within a topic hierarchy currently have inheritance set or disabled.
- Listing security roles for service integration by using the wsadmin tool
When we are administering messaging security, use these commands to list the security roles that are associated with service integration bus destinations, foreign buses, topics within a topic space, users and groups.
- Remove authorization data by using wsadmin
Use these commands to remove authorization data for the default roles, or for a destination or a foreign bus.
- listSIBPermittedChain
Use the listSIBPermittedChain command to list the permitted transport chains for a service integration bus.
- addSIBPermittedChain
Use the addSIBPermittedChain command to add a new transport mechanism to the list of permitted transports for a service integration bus.
- removeSIBPermittedChain
Use the removeSIBPermittedChain command to remove a selected transport chain from the list of permitted transport chains for a selected service integration bus.
- sibDDLGenerator
A messaging engine needs data definition language (DDL) statements to create the DBMS (Database Management System) resources. These DBMS resources are generated by the sibDDLGenerator command.
- Access role assignments for bus security resources
Icons are used in the admin console to represent users and groups that have access roles for service integration bus resources.
- Pass message payload by reference: Potential benefits for each processing step
For each processing step taken by the JMS messaging application, check this table to see when and why there is a potential performance benefit in enabling the "pass message payload by reference" properties on the associated connection factory or activation specification.
- Message properties support for mediations
The SIMessage metadata properties enable the main data types, and are supported by JMS Message Selectors.
- SIMessage metadata properties
The SIMessage metadata properties contain message metadata that we can use in mediation configuration selectors. We can work with these properties by using the SIMessage interface.
- JMS headers
Support is provided by the SIMessage interface and the mediation configuration selector for JMS headers properties. JMS headers properties match in the SIMessage interface in the same way as they do for the JMS API, but we can only modify properties that map to SIMessage metadata.
- JMSX properties
Support is provided by the SIMessage interface and the mediation configuration selector for JMSX properties. Use the SIMessage interface to match and access supported JMSX properties defined in the JMS API. We can only use the SIMessage interface to set properties that are not defined as set by the JMS provider.
- JMS_IBM properties and equivalent SI_system properties
Support is provided by the SIMessage interface and the mediation configuration selector for JMS_IBM properties and the equivalent SI_system properties. We can access JMS_IBM_ properties through the JMS API. Many of the values held by JMS_IBM_ properties apply to an SIMessage and have SI_ synonyms. We can access all these properties through the SIMessage interface, and can match and set many of them. We cannot set exception properties because they are controlled by the messaging engine.
- Use the JMS_IBM Feedback property
The JMS_IBM_Feedback property identifies the type of report a message contains.
- User properties
Support for user properties is provided by the SIMessage interface and the mediation configuration selector. The JMS API supports user properties of primitive wrapper or string types. The property name can be any valid Java identifier providing it does not have the prefix JMS. The SIMessage API also supports user properties of primitive wrapper or string types, and additionally supports byte[] and serializable types. Arbitrary serializable objects are stored as byte arrays, and are selected on as byte arrays only (using equals only).
- Error handling in mediations
The actions taken in the event of an error occurring during mediation processing are summarized in the following table:
- WebSphere MQ naming restrictions
The naming restrictions for WebSphere MQ queues, queue managers, and queue-sharing groups are more restrictive than those that apply to equivalent objects in WAS. Use this information to help you administer the WAS objects, so that the names of these objects can be passed successfully to and from WebSphere MQ.
- Mediation thread pool properties
The table below describes the default thread pool properties for the mediationsThreadPool object for a messaging engine.
Related information
Migrate Service integration
Service integration
Scripting for Service integration
Establishing high availability for Service integration
Secure Service integration
Develop Service integration
Tuning Service integration
Troubleshooting Service integration
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST