WebSphere MQ server bus member [Settings]

A WebSphere MQ server bus member is used for assigning queue points and mediation points to WebSphere MQ queues.

To view this pane in the console...

Service integration > Buses > bus_name > [Topology] Bus members > member_name .

Configuration tab

The Configuration tab shows configuration properties for this object. These property values are preserved even if the runtime environment is stopped then restarted. See the information center task descriptions for information about how to apply configuration changes to the runtime environment.


General Properties



The admin name of the WebSphere MQ server bus member.



Data type




The universal unique identifier is assigned automatically, for admin purposes, when creating a new WebSphere MQ server definition.



Data type



Connection settings


Virtual queue manager name

When sending messages to WebSphere MQ, the WebSphere MQ gateway queue manager sees the bus as a remote queue manager. The virtual queue manager name is passed to WebSphere MQ as the name of the remote queue manager. The default value is the name of the Service Integration bus. If this bus name is not a valid name for a WebSphere MQ queue manager, or if another WebSphere MQ queue manager already has the same name, replace the default value with a unique, valid name for a WebSphere MQ queue manager.



Data type



Override WebSphere MQ Server connection properties

When you select this checkbox, the bus-specific properties override the WebSphere MQ server connection properties. To reset the connection settings to the WebSphere MQ server default values, deselect this checkbox and apply the change.



Data type

Check box


WebSphere MQ Host

The name of the WebSphere MQ server's host. This is either the symbolic name or the IP address of the host to which a connection is established for communicating with the queue manager or queue-sharing group that this WebSphere MQ server represents. The value is a string and must be one of the following:



Data type




The WebSphere MQ server port. This value is the TCP/IP port number on which the queue manager or queue-sharing group that this WebSphere MQ server represents listens. This value is used when attempting to establish client transport mode connections to WebSphere MQ. The default value is 1414



Data type



Transport chain name

The name of the WebSphere MQ server transport chain. This is the transport chain that is used to establish an outbound network connection to the WebSphere MQ server.



Data type

drop-down list


WebSphere MQ channel

The name of the WebSphere MQ server's channel. This value is the WebSphere MQ client channel name to use when connecting to the queue manager or queue-sharing group that this WebSphere MQ server represents. The default value is SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN



Data type



Messaging authentication alias

The name of WebSphere MQ server's authentication alias. This is the name that is used for exchanging messages with WebSphere MQ.



Data type

drop-down list


Trust user identifiers received in messages

The WebSphere MQ server's trust user identifier setting. This value determines whether user identifiers that are received in messages from WebSphere MQ are propagated into the message (that is, whether user identifiers that are received as part of message data are used in the service integration bus). If you select this checkbox, user identifiers that are received as part of WebSphere MQ messages are propagated into messages and used for security purposes within the bus. If you do not select this checkbox, the user identifier is overwritten with the WebSphere MQ server name.



Data type

Check box


Test connection

After we have configured the Connection properties, click this button to test the connection to WebSphere MQ.


Message points

WebSphere MQ mediation points

Displays a list of WebSphere MQ mediation points assigned to this WebSphere MQ server bus member.

WebSphere MQ queue points

Displays a list of WebSphere MQ queue points assigned to this WebSphere MQ server bus member.


Related Items

WebSphere MQ server

The WebSphere MQ server that was used to create this bus member.

JAAS - J2C authentication data

List of user identities and passwords for Java™ 2 connector security to use.

Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST