Service integration custom properties
Use custom properties to configure advanced settings for service integration objects such as messaging engines. Use the custom properties page to define the following service integration properties:
Messaging engine custom properties
Set these properties in the messaging engine custom properties panel in the admin console. To access this panel, click Service integration > Buses > bus_name > [Topology] Messaging engines > engine_name > [Additional Properties] Custom properties
This property determines the action a messaging engine takes when a file store is full and applications try to send further messages.
When a file store is full, the messaging engine carries out a checkpoint of the log file to reconcile all message sends and receives since the last checkpoint. This process might take some time to complete. Between the time when the file store becomes full and the time when the checkpoint is complete, if applications try to send a message, the messaging engine throws the exception ObjectStoreFullException and issues message CWSOM1042E.
When an application thread that is sending a message finds that the file store is full, it requests a checkpoint. The default behavior, with the property value set to false, is that the application thread then throws the exception ObjectStoreFullException to the application immediately and returns. We can select an alternative behavior by setting the property value to true. With this property value, the application thread does not throw the exception, but waits until the checkpoint has completed. If the checkpoint frees space in the file store, the application thread proceeds and sends the messages before returning. If the file store is still full after the checkpoint, the application thread throws the exception to the application.
Set the property value to true, and make application threads wait for the checkpoint to be completed, if the applications delete all the messages in the file store, and so they logically know that the file store is no longer full. Although the applications must still wait until the checkpoint is complete, they do not receive exceptions while the checkpoint is being carried out, and they do not have to retry the send.
Data type Boolean Default False
This property affects WS-ReliableMessaging managed qualities of service. Set this property on the messaging engine specified in the policy binding for the WS-ReliableMessaging application.
Is the amount of time, in milliseconds, that a lock is held on a WS-ReliableMessaging message. If a server fails while processing a message, the lock is released at the end of this timeout period, so that other servers can continue the processing. If the original server recovers before the timeout period ends, it continues processing the message. The lock is released at the end of the timeout period even if the message is still being processed.
If the system is processing large messages, we might want to increase the value of this property. For example, if a message takes 12 minutes to process, the lock is released 2 minutes before processing is complete. To avoid this situation, change the property to a value that is greater than 12 minutes.
If the system is processing small messages, you might want to decrease the value of this property, so that if a failure occurs the lock is released more quickly, and other servers can continue the processing without delay.
Data type Milliseconds Default 600000 (10 minutes)
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST