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Set job managers

In a flexible management environment, we can specify settings such as the default job expiration, the job manager Web address, and the mail provider JNDI name for the job manager. We can view job manager properties such as the process ID and the state of the job manager.

Before we can configure the job manager, have started the job manager.

If we plan to change the system clock, stop all the appservers, the node agent servers, the dmgr server, the administrative agent server, and the job manager server first. After you stop the servers, change the system clock, and then restart the servers. If we change the system clock on one system, ensure the clocks on all systems that communicate with each other and have WAS installed are synchronized. Otherwise, we might experience errors, such as security tokens no longer being valid.

By creating a job manager profile, a job manager is created. We can run the job manager with its default settings. However, we can change the job manager settings, such as the expiration time of jobs, the maximum number of database results to display, and so on.


  1. Click System administration > Job manager from the navigation tree of the job manager admin console to access the settings page for a job manager.

  2. Set the job manager by clicking a property and specifying settings.

    1. Optionally change the default job expiration by specifying an integer value.

    2. Optionally change the maximum number of rows that a query can return to the job manager by specifying an integer value on the Maximum database results setting.

    3. Optionally change the Web address of the job manager that the administrative agent uses to retrieve jobs by specifying a Web address for the Job manager URL setting.

      The Web address is used only when the job manager is configured as a proxy server.

    4. Optionally specify an e-mail address on the E-mail sender's address setting.

      The e-mail address specified is the e-mail address of the sender of the notification message that the job manager provides when jobs have completed.

    5. Optionally select the Start components as needed setting to start components dynamically as needed for applications.

    6. Optionally stop the job manager by clicking Stop.

      Select this option stops the job manager and its console.

  3. If we changed any of the settings, click Apply, and then OK.



You configured the job manager with options that you selected.


Next steps

We can do other job management tasks such as administer node groups, view nodes, submit jobs, and view node resources.

Job manager settings


Related concepts

Job manager


Related tasks

Administer nodes using the job manager


