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Job manager settings

To configure the job manager server and view its properties. We can specify the default job expiration, the job manager Web address, and the mail provider Java™ Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name.

To view this admin console page, click System administration >

Job manager.


Specifies the job manager server name. The name is read-only.

Default job expiration

Default job expiration time in days.

Data type Integer
Default 60

Maximum database results

The maximum database results property applies to find operations for jobs, nodes, and node resources. The number represents the maximum number of records that can be retrieved during a job manager find operation. This number can be further reduced by the maximum results property on a find operation. Assume, for example, that specify the maximum results to display for finding nodes at 50, but the maximum database results property is set to 10000. If we have 20000 jobs, the find operation finds 50 nodes.

Data type Integer
Default 10000

Job manager URL

Specifies the Web address of the job manager that the administrative agent uses to fetch jobs.

The Web address specified is used only when the job manager is configured as a proxy server. The Web address overrides the default Web address. If we modify the Web address, reregister the nodes with the job manager. The change affects only the nodes previously registered.

Data type String
Default http://host:port/otis/OMADMServlet

The host and port are those of the job manager unless you use a Web server. In that case, change the host and port to that of the Web server.

Mail provider JNDI name

Specifies an optional mail session JNDI name to be used for e-mail notifications on job completion.

Data type String
Default None

E-mail sender's address

E-mail address of the sender of the notification message that the job manager provides when jobs have completed. This setting is required if we specify a JNDI mail session on the Mail provider JNDI name setting.

Start components as needed

Select this property if we want the server components started as they are needed for applications that run on this server.

When this property is not selected, all of the server components are started during the startup process. Therefore, selecting this property usually results in improved startup time because fewer components are started during the startup process.

Avoid trouble: If running other WebSphere products on top of the this product, make sure that those other products support this functionality before you select this property.

Process ID

Read-only process ID of the job manager.

Cell name

Read-only cell name of the job manager.

Node name

Read-only node name of the job manager.


Read-only state of the job manager, such as started or stopped.


Related tasks

Administer nodes using the job manager
Set job managers
Use mail



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