Commands for the Help object
Use the Jython or Jacl scripting languages to find general help and dynamic online information about the currently running MBeans with wsadmin. Use the Help object as an aid in writing and running scripts with AdminControl.
The following commands are available for the Help object:
- AdminApp
- AdminConfig
- AdminControl
- AdminTask
- all
- attributes
- classname
- constructors
- description
- help
- message
- notifications
- operations
View a summary of each available method for AdminApp.
Target object: None
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None
View a summary of each available method for the AdminConfig object.
Target object: None
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None
View a summary of the help commands and ways to invoke an admin command.
Target object: None
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None
View a summary of help commands and ways to invoke an admin command with AdminTask.
Target object: None
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None
View a summary of the information that the MBean defines by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name that represents the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output:
Name: WebSphere:cell=pongo,name=TraceService,mbeanIdentifier=cells/pongo/nodes/pongo/servers/server1/ server.xml#TraceService_1,type=TraceService,node=pongo,process=server1 Description: null Class name: Type Access ringBufferSize int RW traceSpecification java.lang.String RW
Operation int getRingBufferSize() void setRingBufferSize(int) java.lang.String getTraceSpecification() void setTraceState(java.lang.String) void appendTraceString(java.lang.String) void dumpRingBuffer(java.lang.String) void clearRingBuffer()
[Ljava.lang.String; listAllRegisteredComponents()
[Ljava.lang.String; listAllRegisteredGroups()
[Ljava.lang.String; listComponentsInGroup (java.lang.String)
[; getTracedComponents()
[; getTracedGroups() java.lang.String getTraceSpecification(java. lang.String) void processDumpString(java.lang.String) void checkTraceString(java.lang.String) void setTraceOutputToFile(java.lang.String, int, int, java.lang.String) void setTraceOutputToRingBuffer(int, java. lang.String) java.lang.String rolloverLogFileImmediate (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
Notifications jmx.attribute.changed ConstructorsExamples...
- Jacl...
$Help all [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.all(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a summary of all the attributes that the MBean defines by name. If we provide the MBean name parameter, the command displays information about the attributes, operations, constructors, description, notifications, and classname of the specified MBean. If specify the MBean name and attribute name, the command displays information about the specified attribute for the specified MBean.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name that represents the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters
- attribute name
- Attribute of interest. (String)
Sample output...
Attribute Type Access ringBufferSize java.lang.Integer RW traceSpecification string RWExamples...
- Jacl...
$Help attributes [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.attributes(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a class name that the MBean defines by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name that represents the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output...
- Jacl...
$Help classname [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.classname(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a summary of all of the constructors that the MBean defines by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name that represents the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output...
- Jacl...
$Help constructors [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.constructors(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a description that the MBean defines by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name that represents the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output...
Managed object for overall server process.Examples...
- Jacl...
$Help description [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.description(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a summary of all the available methods for the Help object.
Target object: None
Required parameters: None
Optional parameters: None
View information for a message ID.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- message ID
- Message ID of the message of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output...
Explanation: The container was unable to passivate an enterprise bean due to exception {2} User action: Take action based upon message in exception {2}Examples...
View a summary of all the notifications that the MBean defines by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name of the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters: None
Sample output...
Notification websphere.messageEvent.audit websphere.messageEvent.fatal websphere.messageEvent.error websphere.messageEvent.warning jmx.attribute.changedExamples...
- Jacl...
$Help notifications [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]- Jython...
print Help.notifications(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))
View a summary of all the operations that the MBean defines by name. Specify a value for the MBean name and operation name to display the signature of the operation for the MBean that is defined by name.
Target object: None
Required parameters
- MBean name
- Object name of the MBean of interest. (String)
Optional parameters
- operation name
- Operation of interest. (String)
Sample output...
The command returns output that is similar to the following example if we specify only the MBean name parameter:
Operation int getRingBufferSize() void setRingBufferSize(int) java.lang.String getTraceSpecification() void setTraceState(java.lang.String) void appendTraceString(java.lang.String) void dumpRingBuffer(java.lang.String) void clearRingBuffer()
[Ljava.lang.String; listAllRegisteredComponents()
[Ljava.lang.String; listAllRegisteredGroups()
[Ljava.lang.String; listComponentsInGroup(java.lang.String)
[; getTracedComponents()
[; getTracedGroups() java.lang.String getTraceSpecification(java.lang.String) void processDumpString(java.lang.String) void checkTraceString(java.lang.String) void setTraceOutputToFile(java.lang.String, int, int, java.lang.String) void setTraceOutputToRingBuffer(int, java.lang.String) java.lang.String rolloverLogFileImmediate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)The command returns output that is similar to the following example if specify the MBean name and operation name parameters:
void processDumpString(string)Description: Write the contents of the Ras services ring buffer to the specified file.
Type string Name dumpString Description A String in the specified format to process or null.
- Jacl...
$Help operations [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*]$Help operations [$AdminControl queryNames type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*] processDumpString- Jython...
print Help.operations(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'))print Help.operations(AdminControl.queryNames('type=TraceService,process=server1,node=pongo,*'), 'processDumpString')
Related concepts
Help object for scripted administration
Related tasks
Scripting and command line reference material