Scripting and command line reference material
Use this topic to locate wsadmin tool commands for the AdminTask, AdminControl, AdminConfig, and AdminApp scripting objects. This page also provides a pointer to command line commands and options.
All reference topics are located in the Reference section of the information center. Use the navigation paths described in this topic to locate specific reference information.
- View command line reference topics. This includes admin commands such as the startServer, manageprofiles, and backupConfig commands. To view all command reference information, use the following navigation path in the information center:
Reference > Commands
- View command reference topics for wsadmin. This includes admin scripting commands for the AdminTask, AdminConfig, AdminApp, and AdminControl objects. All commands are organized by command group name. To view all scripting reference information, use the following navigation path in the information center:
Reference > Administrator scripting interfaces
Wsadmin tool
Commands for the Help object
Commands for the AdminConfig object
Commands for AdminControl
Commands for AdminApp
Commands for AdminTask
Administrative command invocation syntax
Administrative properties for scripting
Related tasks
Use scripting (wsadmin)
Getting started with scripting