Use Jython to manage the system configuration using properties files. Use the commands in the PropertiesBasedConfiguration group to copy configuration properties from one environment to another, troubleshoot configuration issues, and to apply one set of configuration properties across multiple profiles, nodes, cells, servers, or applications.
Use the following commands to manage the system configuration:
- applyConfigProperties
- createPropertiesFileTemplates
- deleteConfigProperties
- extractConfigProperties
- validateConfigProperties
Note: See WebSphere 7.0 First Impressions of Properties File Based Configuration for some interesting insights into this tool. The Phurnace tool might be a good alternative.
The applyConfigProperties command applies properties in a specific properties file to the configuration. The system adds attributes or configuration data to the configuration if a specific properties do not exist. If the properties exist in the configuration, the system sets the new values for the attributes.
Target object
Required parameters
- -propertiesFileName
- Name of the properties file to apply. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -variablesMapFileName
- Name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the system uses from the properties file. (String, optional)
- -variablesMap
- Values of the variables to use with the properties file. (Properties, optional)
- -reportFileName
- Name of a report file that contains the output for the applyConfigProperties command. (String, optional)
- -reportFilterMechanism
- Type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information. Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display error and change information. (String, optional)
- -validate
- Specifies whether to validate the properties file before applying the changes. By default, the command validates the properties file. Specify false to disable validation. (Boolean, optional)
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.applyConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName myPropFile.props -validate true')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.applyConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName', 'myPropFile.props', '-validate', 'true'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The createPropertiesFileTemplates command creates template properties files to use to create or delete specific object types. The command stores the template properties file in the properties file specified by the propertiesFileName parameter.
Target object
Required parameters
- -propertiesFileName
- Name of the properties file where the template is stored. (String, required)
- -configType
- Resource type for the template to create. (String, required)
- Specify Server to create a server type properties file template.
- Specify ServerCluster to create a server cluster type properties file template.
- Specify Application to create an application type properties file template.
- Specify AuthorizationGroup to create an authorization group type properties file template.
Optional parameters None
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates('-propertiesFileName serverTemplate.props -configType Server')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.createPropertiesFileTemplates(['-propertiesFileName', 'serverTemplate.props', '-configType', 'Server'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The deleteConfigProperties command deletes properties in the configuration as designated in a properties file. The system removes the attributes or configuration data that corresponds to each property in the properties file.
Target object
Required parameters
- -propertiesFileName
- Name of the properties file to delete. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -variablesMapFileName
- Name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the system uses from the properties file. (String, optional)
- -variablesMap
- Values of the variables to use with the properties file. (Properties, optional)
- -reportFileName
- Name of a report file that contains the output for the the command. (String, optional)
- -reportFilterMechanism
- Type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information. Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display error and change information. (String, optional)
- -validate
- Specifies whether to validate the properties file before applying the changes. By default, the command validates the properties file. Specify false to disable validation. (Boolean, optional)
Return value
The command does not return output.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName myPropFile.props')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName', 'myPropFile.props'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
The extractConfigProperties command extracts configuration data in the form of a properties file. The system exports the most commonly used configuration data and attributes, converts the attributes to properties, and saves the data to a file. We can specify the resource of interest with the target object or the configData parameter. Use the configData parameter to specify a server, node, cluster, or application instance. If no configuration object is specified, the command extracts the profile configuration data.
Target object
Specify the object name of the configuration object of interest in the format: Node=nodeName:Server=serverName
Required parameters
- -propertiesFileName
- Name of the properties file to extract. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -configData
- Configuration object instance in the format Node=node1. (String, optional)
- -options
- Specifies additional configuration options, such as GENERATETEMPLATE=true. (Properties, optional)
- -filterMechanism
- Specifies filter information for extracting configuration properties. (String, optional)
- Specify All to extract all configuration properties.
- Specify NO_SUBTYPES to extract the properties of the given object without including the subtypes.
- Specify SELECTED_SUBTYPES_AND_EXTENSIONS to extract only properties of the given object type without including the subtypes. This option also prevents the command from extracting properties using extensions, if extensions exist for the object type.
- Specify SELECTED_SUBTYPES to extract specific configuration object subtypes specified with the selectedSubTypes parameter. This can include any subtype for a configuration object or any WCCM type that exists under the object type hierarchy.
- -selectedSubTypes
- Configuration properties to include or exclude when the command extracts the properties. Specify if we set the filterMechanism parameter to NO_SUBTYPES or SELECTED_SUBTYPES.
The following strings are examples of subtypes: ApplicationServer, EJBContainer. (String, optional)
Table 1. extractConfigProperties -selectedSubTypes subtypes and extensions
Configuration object type Subtypes Extensions AdminService None None Application JDBCProvider,VariableMap None ApplicationServer TransactionService, DynamicCache, WebContainer, EJBContainer, PortletContainer, SIPContainer, WebserverPluginSettings None AuthorizationGroup None None AuthorizationTableExt None None Cell VirtualHost, DataReplicationDomain, ServerCluster, CoreGroup, NodeGroup, AuthorizationGroup, AuthorizationTableExt, Security, J2CResourceAdapter, JDBCProvider, JMSProvider, MailProvider, URLProvider, EventInfrastructureProvider, ObjectPoolProvider, WorkManagerProvider, TimerManagerProvider, SchedulerProvider, Node, VariableMap None CoreGroup None None CoreGroupBridgeService None None DynamicCache None None EJBContainer None None EventInfrastructureProvider None None EventInfrastructureService None None HAManagerService None None J2CResourceAdapter None None JDBCProvider None None JMSProvider None None Java VirtualMachine None None Library None None MailProvider None None NameServer None None Node Server, J2CResourceAdapter, JDBCProvider, JMSProvider, MailProvider, URLProvider, EventInfrastructureProvider, ObjectPoolProvider, WorkManagerProvider, TimerManagerProvider, SchedulerProvider, VariableMap The NodeMetadata Extension extracts node Metadata properties. NodeGroup None None ObjectPoolProvider None None ObjectRequestBroker None None PMEServerExtension None None PMIModule None None PMIService None None PortletContainer None None SIPContainer None None SchedulerProvider None None Security None None Server PMIService, AdminService, CoreGroupBridgeService, TPVService, ObjectRequestBroker, ApplicationServer, NameServer, J2CResourceAdapter, JDBCProvider, JMSProvider, MailProvider, URLProvider, EventInfrastructureProvider, ObjectPoolProvider, WorkManagerProvider, TimerManagerProvider, SchedulerProvider, VariableMap, EventInfrastructureService, PMEServerExtension, Library, HAManagerService, PMIModule, Security The extension lists deployed applications for a specific server. ServerCluster J2CResourceAdapter, JDBCProvider, JMSProvider, MailProvider, URLProvider, ObjectPoolProvider, WorkManagerProvider, TimerManagerProvider, SchedulerProvider, VariableMap The extension lists deployed applications for a specific cluster. TPVService None None TimerManagerProvider None None TransactionService None None URLProvider None None VariableMap None None VirtualHost None None WebContainer None None WebserverPluginSettings None None WorkManagerProvider None None
Return value
The command returns the name of the properties file that the system creates.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.extractConfigProperties('-configData Node=myNode -propertiesFileName myNodeProperties.props')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-configData', 'Node=myNode', '-propertiesFileName', 'myNodeProperties.props'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
The validateConfigProperties command verifies that the properties in the properties file are valid and can be successfully applied to the new configuration.
Target object
Required parameters
- -propertiesFileName
- Name of the properties file to validate. (String, required)
Optional parameters
- -variablesMapFileName
- Name of the variables map file. This file contains values for variables that the system uses from the properties file. (String, optional)
- -variablesMap
- Values of the variables to use with the properties file. (Properties, optional)
- -reportFileName
- Name of a report file that contains the output for the applyConfigProperties command. (String, optional)
- -reportFilterMechanism
- Type of report filter mechanism. Specify All to display all report information. Specify Errors to display error information. Specify Errors_And_Changes to display error and change information. (String, optional)
Return value
The command returns a value of true if the system validates the properties file.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.validateConfigProperties('-propertiesFileName myNodeProperties.props -reportFileName report.txt')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.validateConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName', 'myNodeProperties.props', '-reportFileName', 'report.txt'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
Related tasks
Extracting properties files
Applying properties files
Validating properties files
Create server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
Delete server, cluster, application, or authorization group objects using properties files
Create and deleting configuration objects using properties files
Extracting properties files to troubleshoot the environment
Manage environment configurations using properties files