versionInfo command
The versionInfo command generates a report from data extracted from XML files in the properties/version folder. The report includes a list of changed components and installed or uninstalled maintenance packages.
Product version information
The versionInfo tool displays important data about the product and its installed components, such as the build version and build date. History information for installation and removal of maintenance packages also displays in the report. This tool is particularly useful when working with support personnel to determine the cause of any problem.
Product version reports The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the properties/version folder:
- versionInfo script
Lets you use parameters to create a version report.
- genVersionReport script
Generates the versionReport.html report file in the current working directory, which is usually the bin directory.
Location of the command file
The versionInfo command is a script.
The command file is a script named in the app_server_root/bin directory.
The command file is named versionInfo.bat in the app_server_root\bin directory.
Syntax for the versionInfo command
The command syntax is:
![]() [ -format text | html ] [ -file file_name ] [ -long ] [ -maintenancePackages ] [ -maintenancePackageDetail ] [ -components ] [ -componentDetail ] versionInfo [ -help | /help | -? | /? | -usage ]
versionInfo [ -format text | html ] [ -file file_name ] [ -long ] [ -maintenancePackages ] [ -maintenancePackageDetail ] [ -components ] [ -componentDetail ] versionInfo [ -help | /help | -? | /? | -usage ]Issue the command from the bin directory of app_server_root.
Report description
The versionInfo command reports the following information:
Installation information
Displays the following general information about the current installation:
- Report date and time - The date and time that the report was generated. The timestamp is formatted according to the current locale.
- Product directory - The file path to the installation root directory defined by the WAS_HOME environment variable.
- Vdirectory - The file path of the version directory of the current IBM WAS - ND installation.
- DTD directory - The file path of the DTD directory of the current IBM WAS - ND installation.
- Log directory - The file path of the log directory of the current IBM WAS - ND installation. The maintenance package log files are in the directory.
- Backup directory - The file path of the backup directory of the current IBM WAS - ND installation. The backup files generated during the installation of maintenance packages are in this directory.
- TMP directory - The file path of the temporary directory of the current machine.
Product list information
Displays a list of installed WebSphere products:
- Product ID - WAS ID of the installed product.
- Status - The status of the product, either installed or uninstalled.
Installed product information
This information and the other information topic descriptions are hierarchal for each installed product, component, component update, installed maintenance package, included APARs, and component updates. This section of the report displays the following information:
- Name - The name of the installed product.
- V- The current version of the product. Installing or uninstalling fix packs or refresh packs modifies this version.
- ID - WAS ID of the product installed, such as BASE, BASETRIAL, ND, EXPRESS, EXPRESSTRIAL, embeddedEXPRESS, IHS, XD, PLG, or CLIENT.
- Build level - The build level of the installed product.
- Build date - The build date of the installed product.
Installed component information
Displays the following component-level information of the installed component from the .component file under the /properties/version directory:
- Component name - The name of the installed component
- Spec version - The spec version of the current component
- Build level - The build level of the current component
- Build date - The build date of the current component
Installed component update information
Displays the general maintenance package information:
- Component name - the name of the installed component
- Update type - All interim fixes, fix packs and refresh packs are maintenance packages. The update type field is always set to maintenance package.
- Maintenance package ID - The ID of the maintenance package that is responsible for the current maintenance level of the product.
- Update effect - The updated action taken on a particular component. The default effect is replace.
- Log file name - The file path of the log file that records the maintenance actions for the current maintenance level.
- Backup file name - The file path of the backup file generated during the installation of the maintenance package. Not applicable if the component is restored as a result of an uninstall of a maintenance package.
- Timestamp - The time at which the component is updated. The timestamp is stated in GMT offset values.
Installed maintenance package information
Displays the general maintenance package information:
- Maintenance Package ID - the maintenance package ID
- Description - the description of the maintenance package
- Build Date - the build date of this maintenance package
Included APARs information
Display the list of APARs fixed by this maintenance package.
Component updates information
Displays the following information about each component that is updated by the installed maintenance package:
- Component name - The name of the installed component.
- Updated effect - The update action taken on the component by the maintenance package. The default action is replace.
- Timestamp - The time at which the component update is installed (GMT offset).
Sample versionInfo report
When the WAS product has no interim fixes or fix packs applied, the genVersionReport.bat script creates the following information in the versionReport.html report file, which is edited to show only the first few components:
IBM WAS Product Installation Status Report ---------------------------------------- Report at date and time 2005-05-18 15:58:40-0400 Installation ---------------------------------------- Product Directory: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer VDirectory: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version DTD Directory: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/dtd Log Directory: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/update Backup Directory: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/backup TMP Directory: /tmp Installation Platform ---------------------------------------- Name IBM WAS V 6.0 Product List ---------------------------------------- BASE installed Installed Product ---------------------------------------- Name IBM WAS V 6.0.1 ID BASE Build Level m0451.03 Build Date 12/19/2004 Installed Component --------------------------------------------------- Component Name: activity.impl Spec Version: 6.0 Build Version: m0451.03 Build Date: 12/19/04 Installed Component Update ---------------------------------------------------- Component Name: activity.impl Update Type: maintenance package Maintenance Package ID: was60_fp1_linux Update Effect: replace Log File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/update/was60_fp1_linux.install/updatelog.txt Backup File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/backup/was60_fp1_linux.pak Timestamp: 2004-12-17 18:24:34-0500 Installed Component Update ----------------------------------------------------- Component Name: activity.impl Update Type: maintenance package Maintenance Package ID: was60_fp2 Update Effect: replace Log File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/update/was60_fp2_linux.install/updatelog.txt Backup File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/backup/was60_fp2_linux.pak Timestamp: 2004-12-19 06:24:34-0500 Installed Component ----------------------------------------------------- Component Name: activity.session Spec Version: 6.0 Build Level: m0451.03 Build Date: 12/19/04 Installed Component Update ----------------------------------------------------- Component Name: activity.session Update Type: maintenance package Maintenance Package ID: was60_fp2 Update Effect: replace Log File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/update/was60_fp2_linux.install/updatelog.txt Backup File Name: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/backup/was60_fp2_linux.pak Timestamp: 2004-12-19 06:24:34-0500 Installed Maintenance Package ----------------------------------------------------- Maintenance Package ID: was60_fp1_linux Description: IBM WAS, V6.0.1 Fix Pack for Linux Build Date: 12/17/2004 Included Apars ----------------------------------------------------- PQ12345 Component Updates ----------------------------------------------------- activity updated installed on 2004-12-17 06:24:30-0500 Installed Maintenance Package ----------------------------------------------------- Maintenance Package ID: was60_fp2 Description: IBM WAS, V6.0.2 Fix Pack for Linux Build Date: 12/19/2004 Included Apars ----------------------------------------------------- PQ12345 PQ23456 PQ34567 Component Updates ------------------------------------------------------ activity updated installed on 2004-12-19 06:24:30-0500 activity.impl updated installed on 2004-12-19 06:24:30-0500 ----------------------------------------------------- End Installation Status Report -----------------------------------------------------
Summary of V6 changes for the versionInfo command
Changes are in two areas: command syntax and report information.
Changes to command syntax
The following changes are in effect:
- V6 replaces the terms efixes and ptfs with maintenancePackages to describe a specific maintenance package. This matches the terminology used in the V6 update installer application.
- V6 replaces the terms efixesDetail and ptfDetail with maintenancePackageDetail to describe the detailed information that relates to a specific maintenance package.
Changes to report information
The following changes are in effect:
- V6 replaces the term technology list with product list. The technology list displays the list of installed products in the current WAS_HOME directory.
- V6 uses an update type value of maintenance package.
- V6 replaces the term PTF ID with Maintenance Package ID. This change is consistent with the terminology used in the Update Installer for WebSphere Software.
- V6 removes IsRequired, IsOptional, IsExternal, and IsCustom from the Installed component update section of the report. The older terminology is not supported per component by the V6 Update Installer for WebSphere Software.
- V6 replaces the term Install Date with Timestamp for consistency with the History report.
- V6 replaces the Installed PTF section of the report with the Installed Maintenance Package section.
- V6 removes the term Exposition because it is similar to the term Description.
- V6 removes the Build Vfield from the Installed Maintenance Package section.
- V6 removes the Supported Platforms section of the report.
- V6 replaces the Included Fixes section of the report with the with by Included APARs section, which lists the APARs.
- V6 removes the Custom Properties section of the report.
Related information
Use command line tools
Product version informationgenVersionReport command
Reference topic