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genVersionReport command


The genVersionReport command uses the versionInfo command to generate the versionReport.html report file in the current working directory, which is usually the bin directory. The report includes a list of changed components and installed or uninstalled maintenance packages. The genVersionReport script invokes the versionInfo script specifying the correct parameters to place the information generated into an HTML file in the current working directory.


Product version information

The versionInfo tool displays important data about the product and its installed components, such as the build version and build date. History information for installation and removal of maintenance packages also displays in the report. This tool is particularly useful when working with support personnel to determine the cause of any problem.

Product version reports The following report generation scripts extract data from XML data files in the properties/version folder:


Location of the command file

The genVersionReport command is a script.

[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris] The command file is named genVersionReport.sh in the app_server_root/bin directory.

[Windows] The command file is named genVersionReport.bat in the app_server_root\bin directory.


Syntax for the genVersionReport command

The command syntax is: [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]




Issue the command from the bin directory of the app_server_root directory.


Report description

The versionInfo command reports the following information:


Installation information

Displays the following general information about the current installation:


Product list information

Displays a list of installed WebSphere products:


Installed product information

This information and the other information topic descriptions are hierarchal for each installed product, component, component update, installed maintenance package, included APARs, and component updates. This section of the report displays the following information:


Installed component information

Displays the following component-level information of the installed component from the .component file in the app_server_root/properties/version directory:

Installed component update information
Displays the general maintenance package information:

Installed maintenance package information
Displays the general maintenance package information:

Included APARs information

Display the list of APARs fixed by this maintenance package.

Component updates information
Displays the following information about each component that is updated by the installed maintenance package:


Summary of V6 changes for the VersionInfo command

Changes are in two areas: command syntax and report information.


Changes to command syntax

The following changes are in effect:


Changes to report information for V6.x

The following changes are in effect:


Related information

Use command line tools
Product version informationversionInfo command


Reference topic