Verifying the Cloudscape v10.1.x automatic migration
WAS V6.1.x requires Cloudscape to run at a minimal version of v10.1.x. (Note that Cloudscape v10.1.x is comprised of the code base from Apache Derby V10.1.) During the Application Server v6.1.x upgrade, the migration tool automatically upgrades the database instances that are accessed through the embedded framework by some internal components, such as the UDDI registry. The tool also attempts to upgrade Cloudscape instances that your applications access through the embedded framework. You must verify the migration results for these backend databases.
Do not use Cloudscape v10.1.x as a production database. Use it for development and test purposes only. Learn more: The new version of Cloudscape combines the Derby runtime with additional benefits, such as IBM Quality Assurance (QA) and national language support (NLS). For information about the Cloudscape v10.1.x open source code base, see the Cloudscape product Web pages link in the following IBM Suggests section.
The migration tool attempts to upgrade Cloudscape database instances that are accessed through the embedded framework only. You must manually upgrade Cloudscape instances that transact with appservers on the Network Server framework. (See the Upgrading Cloudscape manually article.) This requirement eliminates the risk of corrupting third party applications that use the Network Server framework to access the same database instances as WAS.
Other applications can access Cloudscape on Network Server because the framework provides the database with a foundation of connectivity software; the embedded framework does not. Cloudscape Network Server can transact with multiple Java Virtual Machines (JVM)s (or appservers) concurrently, whereas Cloudscape on the embedded framework works with only a single JVM. Clustered or coexistence implementations of Application Server require Network Server. For more information, consult the IBM Cloudscape Information Center. Find the link in the following IBM Suggests section.
For database instances that your applications access through the embedded framework, the automatic migration can succeed completely, fail completely, or succeed with warnings. A migration that produces warning messages does create a Cloudscape v10.1.x database with your data, but does not migrate all of your configured logic and other settings, such as:
- keys
- checks
- views
- triggers
- aliases
- stored procedures
To distinguish between a partially and a completely successful migration, verify the auto-migration results by checking both the general post-upgrade log and the individual database logs. Performing these tasks gives you vital diagnostic data to troubleshoot the partially migrated databases as well as those that fail auto-migration completely. Ultimately, you migrate these databases through a manual process.
- Open the post-upgrade log of each new WAS V6.1x profile. The path name of the log is WAS_HOME/profiles/profileName/logs/WASPostUpgrade.timestamp.log.
- Examine the post-upgrade log for database error messages. These exceptions indicate database migration failures. The following lines are an example of post-upgrade log content, in which the database error code is DSRA7600E. (The migration tool references all database exceptions with the prefix DSRA.)
MIGR0344I: Processing configuration file /opt/WebSphere51/AppServer/cloudscape / MIGR0344I: Processing configuration file /opt/WebSphere51/AppServer/config/cells /migr06/applications/MyBankApp.ear/deployments/MyBankApp/deployment.xml. DSRA7600E: Cloudscape migration of database instance /opt/WebSphere61/Express /profiles/default/databases/_opt_WebSphere51_AppServer_bin_DefaultDB failed, reason: java.sql.SQLException: Failure creating target db MIGR0430W: Cloudscape Database /fvt/temp/51BaseXExpress/PostUpgrade50BaseFVTTest9 /testRun/pre/websphere_backup/bin/DefaultDB failed to migrate <new database name>Call IBM WAS Support if you see a migration failure message for a Cloudscape instance that is accessed by a WebSphere internal component (that is, a component that helps comprise WAS rather than one of your applications).
- Open the individual database migration log that corresponds with each of your backend Cloudscape databases. These logs have the same timestamp as that of the general post-upgrade log. The logs display more detail about errors that are listed in the general post-upgrade log, as well as expose errors that are not documented by the general log.
The path name of each database log is WAS_HOME/profiles/profileName/logs/myFulldbPathName_migrationLogtimestamp.log.
- Examine each database migration log for errors. For a completely successful migration, the log displays a message that is similar to the following text:
MIGR0429I: Cloudscape Database F:\temp\51BaseXExpress\PostUpgrade50BaseFVTTest2\testRun \pre\websphere_backup\bin\DefaultDB was successfully migrated. See log C:\WebSphere61 \Express\profiles\default\logs\DefaultDB_migrationLogSun-Dec-18-13.31.40-CST-2005.logOtherwise, the log displays error messages in the format of the following example:connecting to source db <jdbc:db2j:/fvt/temp/51BaseXExpress/PostUpgrade50BaseFVTTest9 /testRun/pre/websphere_backup/bin/DefaultDB> connecting to source db <jdbc:db2j:/fvt/temp/51BaseXExpress/PostUpgrade50BaseFVTTest9 /testRun/pre/websphere_backup/bin/DefaultDB> took 0.26 seconds creating target db <jdbc:derby:/opt/WebSphere61/Express/profiles/default/databases /_opt_WebSphere51_AppServer_bin_DefaultDB> ERROR: An error occurred during migration. See debug.log for more details. shutting down databases shutting down databases took 0.055 seconds
- For more data about a migration error, consult the debug log that corresponds with the database migration log. The WebSphere Application Server migration utility triggers a debug migration trace by default; this trace function generates the database debug logs. The full path name of a debug log is WAS_HOME/profiles/profileName/logs/myFulldbPathName_migrationDebugtimestamp.log.The following lines are a sample of debug text. The lines display detailed exception data for the error that is referenced in the previous sample of database migration log data.
java.sql.SQLException: Database_opt_WebSphere51_AppServer_bin_DefaultDB already exists. Aborting migration at Source) at Source) at Source) at
- The WAS migration utility changes your Cloudscape JDBC configurations whether or not it successfully migrates the database instances that are accessed by your applications. The tool changes Cloudscape JDBC provider class paths, data source implementation classes, and data source helper classes. The following table depicts these changes:
Table 1. New class information Class type Old value New value JDBC provider class path ${CLOUDSCAPE_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/db2j.jar ${DERBY_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/derby.jar
- Where DERBY_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH is the WebSphere environment variable that defines your Cloudscape JDBC provider
- Where derby.jar is the base name of the JDBC driver class file (In your environment, reference the JDBC driver class file by the full path name.)
Data source implementation class: Connection pool DataSource org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedConnection PoolDataSource Data source implementation class: XA org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedXADataSource Data source helper class DataStoreHelper DataStoreHelper Additionally, the file changes:
- The name WAS_HOME/cloudscape/ changes to WAS_HOME/derby/
- Within the file, property names change from db2j.drda.* to derby.drda.*
- A partial or a completely successful database migration changes the location and name of the database according to the following example:
- Old database name: c:\temp\mydb
- New database name: The new name includes a hash code that combines the entire path name of the old database and the migration time stamp. The new name also includes the old database name and time stamp verbatim. Example: WAS_HOME\profiles\profile_name\databases\my_db_hashCode_timestamp
Note the exact path names: For both partial and failed migrations, the log messages contain the exact old and new database path names that use to run the manual migration. Note these new path names precisely.
What to do next
If you experience a partial migration, attempt to troubleshoot the new v10.1.x database only if you have expert knowledge of Cloudscape. Otherwise, delete the new database. Perform the manual migration procedure on the original database, just as you do for each database that completely fails auto-migration. Consult Upgrading Cloudscape manually for instructions.For successfully migrated Cloudscape instances, be aware that new cell-scoped data sources can only be used by nodes that run version 6.0.2 or later of the appserver. Earlier versions of the product do not support the new Cloudscape; when applications on pre-version 6.0.2 nodes try to access a Cloudscape 10.1.x data source, the appserver will issue exceptions at run time.
Transaction type and connection behavior
Related tasks
Upgrading Cloudscape manually
Related information
IBM Cloudscape product Web pages
Cloudscape Information Center
Apache Derby