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Package Identification

The Package Identification panel allows you to specify a universally unique identifier for the customized installation package.


Specify a unique identifier for your CIP.

Type a descriptor. For example, if you work in the Functional Verification Test department on the installation development team for WebSphere Application Server, you might use com.ibm.toronto.fvt.was to identify test CIPs that you create. Suppose that you work in IT for the Sports Information department at the University of North Carolina. You might use edu.unc.tarheels.sid.was as an identifer for CIPs that you create to install WebSphere Application Server updates on machines used by the Press.

The package identifier is designed to be universally unique. Multiple CIPs can install on a single installation. Each CIP installs customization assets in the installation under a unique directory. The unique directory name is modelled after the unique identifier provided. For this reason, the identifier must be unique. That is why IBM suggests a unique reverse domain notation with a version number.

Click Next.


Specify a version number to help identify CIPs that you create

For example, the GUI field is pre-filled with, so you may want to start with that and increment later CIP versions from there. The version number of the CIP does not have to reflect the version number of the product.

Full package identifier

Informational only. This read-only field shows the concatenation of the previous two fields. The Installation Factory uses this unique identifier as the name of a directory that holds the customized installation package. For example, the full package identifier might be edu.unc.tarheels.sid.was_1.0.0.0.The full package identifier must:

  • Contain 35 or fewer characters on Windows platforms

  • Start and end with alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) or numbers (0-9) only

  • Contain alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.) and underscores (_) only

  • Not contain spaces or these characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] | \ / : ; , ? ' " < = > + *


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Developing and installing customized installation packages
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Reference topic