Develop and install customized installation packages



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A customized installation package (CIP) is a customized WAS installation image that can include...

The IBM Installation Factory for WAS creates CIPs.

Before using, review the Supported hardware and software Web site.

If you encounter a problem such as needing more disk space or more temporary space, or missing prerequisite packages on your system, cancel the installation, make the required changes, and restart the installation.

Get started by creating a build definition for the CIP using the Installation Factory console. Use the ifgui command to start the Installation Factory console.

After defining the build parameters, create the CIP, which has a version of the WAS Installation wizard.



  1. Use the Installation Factory to create a customized installation package.

  2. Prepare your operating platform for installation.

  3. Install the ND product using the CIP. The CIP Installation wizard performs the following actions:

    • Automatically checks prerequisites.

    • Looks for a previous WAS Version 6.x installation to determine installation options to display.

      Options include adding features and maintenance to the product binaries, and installing a new set of product binaries at the updated maintenance level that is included in the CIP.

    • Prompts you to create one of the following...

      The cell profile is new for V6.1. A cell profile contains a deployment manager profile and a federated appserver profile on the same machine or partition.

    Choose one of the following installation scenarios to continue the installation:

    The installer program does not support the ISMP-console installation method at this time.



You can use a CIP to install IBM WebSphere Application Server ND by following this procedure.


What to do next

See Fast paths for WAS for information about getting started deploying applications.

Installation Factory overview
Get started with the Installation Factory
ifgui command
Build definition file
Build Definition wizard
Build Definition wizard panels
ifcli command
Create a build definition and CIP on the processing engine machine
Create a build definition for another machine
Use configuration archive files in customized CIP profiles
Create customized CIP profiles from the command line
Create customized CIP profiles
install command
Installing a CIP