Installation Factory overview
The Installation Factory combines the installation image for a version or release of a WebSphere software product with...
- applicable maintenance packages
- configuration archive
- one or more enterprise archive files
- customization scripts
- other files create a customized installation package.
Installing and configuring a WebSphere software product is usually a multiple step process:
- Install the shipped version of the product.
- Install the current fix pack.
- Install a Java 2 SDK fix pack.
- Install one or more interim fixes as needed.
- Create and configure appservers and other artifacts.
- Deploy applications.
The Installation Factory simplifies the process by creating a single installation image, the customized installation package (CIP).
After creating the customized installation package, installing and configuring a WebSphere software product is a one-step process: install the customized installation package.
Related information
Developing and installing customized installation packages
Getting started with the Installation Factory
ifgui command
ifcli command
install command
Build Definition wizard
Build Definition wizard panels
Reference topic