install command



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The install command installs the product and most of the components in the product. When you install the product, the installer program installs the core product files and creates zero, one, or two profiles, depending on the product that you are installing and your installation selections. A silent parameter runs the Installation wizard in silent mode without displaying the graphical user interface.

This topic describes the command-line syntax for the install command. Start the install command module from the command line to install the product.

Prepare the operating system for installation. Follow the procedure in Task overview: Installing to get started.

The command file resides in the root directory of the component on the product disk. In an effort to simplify your task environment, WAS has adopted a common install engine for WebSphere software components in the V6.1 product package. The install command starts the installation program in almost all components in the product package:

If the command or an alternative command is not applicable for a component on a particular operating system, the N/A abbreviation is displayed in the following table. A command is not applicable if the component cannot be installed on the operating system.

Operating System WAS Application Client IBM HTTP Server Web Server Plug-ins Application Server Toolkit Edge Components Update Installer (UPDI)
AIX install install install install N/A install install
HP-UX install install install install N/A install install
Linux install install install install install install install
Solaris install install install install N/A install install
Windows install install install install install setup install

Edge Components historically use native operating system installer tools instead of the common installation engine. The new V6.1 ISMP install wrapper surrounds the native installer packages, except for Windows systems, where the setup command must be used. Native commands that you can use to install the Edge Components include:

Operating System Installation command
AIX pkgadd -d ./packagename
HP-UX installp -acXd ./packagename
Linux rpm -i ./packagename
Solaris swinstall -s ./packagename
Windows setup


Parameters and syntax

This section describes the command that starts the Installation wizard.

Use the following install command options to install a new installation, add a feature to an existing installation, or configure an existing WAS ND product by creating a profile. Use the following table to determine valid values for each option.

Option Name (-OPT) WebSphere Application Server ND
Values Default
allowNonRootSilentInstall "true | false" "false"
feature "noFeature | samplesSelected" "samplesSelected"
installLocation Any valid directory path app_server_root directories for root and non-root installers
installType "installNew | addFeature | createProfile" "installNew"
profileType "standAlone" | "deploymentManager" | "cell" | "custom" | "none" "none"
silentInstallLicenseAcceptance "true | false" "false"
traceFormat ALL | text | XML Commented
PROF_adminUserName Any valid user ID. "ADMIN_USER_NAME"
PROF_adminPassword Any valid user password. "ADMIN_PASSWORD"
PROF_appServerProfileName A valid profile name Commented
PROF_appServerNodeName A string with valid characters Commented
PROF_cellName A string with valid characters Commented
PROF_defaultPorts Commented | Uncommented Commented
PROF_dmgrAdminPassword Valid deployment manager administrative user password Commented
PROF_dmgrAdminUserName Valid deployment manager administrative user name Commented
PROF_dmgrHost Host name of the deployment manager Commented
PROF_dmgrPort SOAP port of the deployment manager Commented
PROF_dmgrProfileName A valid profile name Commented
PROF_enableAdminSecurity "true | false" "true"
PROF_hostName Any valid host name. Commented
PROF_isDefault Commented | Uncommented Commented
PROF_nodeName Any valid and unique node name. Commented
PROF_nodeOmitAction Valid name of a configuration action for the cell Commented
PROF_omitAction Name of a configuration action. Commented
PROF_portsFile Any valid file path to a valid ports file. Commented
PROF_profileName Any valid profile name string. Commented
PROF_profilePath Any valid file path. See the description of profile_root in Directory conventions for default values. Commented
PROF_serverName Any appserver name, such as server1. Commented
PROF_startingPort Any valid port number. Commented
PROF_validatePorts Commented | Uncommented Commented
PROF_webServerCheck "true | false" Commented
PROF_webServerHostname A valid host name of the system with the Web server. Commented
PROF_webServerInstallPath Any valid directory path to the Web server. Commented
PROF_webServerName A valid name of a valid Web server. Commented
PROF_webServerOS linux | windows | aix | hp | solaris | os390 | i5os Commented
PROF_webServerPluginPath Any valid directory path to the Web server plug-ins. Commented
PROF_webServerPort A valid port to access the Web server. Commented
PROF_winserviceAccountType specified user | localsystem Commented
PROF_winserviceCheck "true | false" Commented
PROF_winserviceStartupType manual | automatic | disabled Commented
PROF_winservicePassword The password of the valid specified user Commented
PROF_winserviceUserName The name of the valid specified user Commented

See the following descriptions for more information about each option.

Option descriptions Use the following information to learn the purpose of an option and to determine which options to use for profile creation.


Change this option to "true" to allow a non-root or non-administrator installer ID to install the product. A "true" value indicates that you accept the limitations associated with installing as a non-root user. If the value is "false", a non-root user cannot install the product.

See Limitations of non-root installers for more information.


Change the selection state of the Application Server Samples" feature. Valid values are:


Indicates that the feature is selected for installation.


Indicates that the feature is not selected for installation.


Change the installation location of the product. Specify any valid directory.

[Windows] Enclose directory names with spaces in double-quotes.

The default values vary per operating system. Separate default locations exist for non-administrator or non-root installer IDs. See the description of app_server_root directories for root and non-root installers in Directory conventions.


Change the installType option to control the type of installation. The default is to install a new copy of WAS. Each operation type requires a separate invocation of the install command. Valid values include:


This default value installs a new copy of the core product files.


Adds features to an existing installation in an incremental installation.

Each WAS V6.1 product has just one feature.

For components that have more than one feature, set the option for each feature. If a feature is already installed, set the feature option to false. To install a new feature, set the feature to true.


Create a profile in an existing installation.

Set the installLocation option to your existing installation root directory.

Set the profileType option to the type of profile that you require.

Set the appropriate profile options for the type of profile that you are creating. Profile options are described by profile type in a later section in this topic.


Indicate the type of profile to create.Valid values include:

Application Server

Create a stand-alone appserver profile.

Deployment Manager

Create a deployment manager profile.


Create a cell with two profiles: a deployment manager and an appserver node that is already federated into the deployment manager cell.


Create a profile with an empty node.

You must federate this node to use it.


Do not create a profile.


By changing the silentInstallLicenseAcceptance property in a silent response file to "true", you agree that you have reviewed and agree to the terms of the IBM International Program License Agreement accompanying the program, which is located in the mount point or disc_drive/WAS/lafiles directory.

If you do not agree to these terms, do not change the value or otherwise download, install, copy, access, or use the program and promptly return the program and proof of entitlement to the party from whom you acquired it to obtain a refund of the amount you paid.


Control the trace file output.


Control the amount of trace information collected.


Select the password for the administrative user ID.

Set the PROF_enableAdminSecurity option to true to use this option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Select the administrative user ID.

Set the PROF_enableAdminSecurity option to true to use this option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No

Write down the user name and password. You cannot log onto the console without it. You cannot use WebSphere Application Server at all unless you know the ID and password.


Specify a unique node name for the federated appserver profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No No No

The node name must be unique within the WAS environment.


Profile name for the federated appserver.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No No No

The profile name must be unique for this WebSphere Application Server installation and the cell to which it belongs.

Valid values are a string with valid characters.


Specify a unique cell name for the profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes

The cell name must be unique within the WAS environment.

Even though you might plan to federate a stand-alone application server at some time, specify a unique cell name for the profile that is not the cell name of the deployment manager.


Uncomment the option to use the default WAS port settings.

Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile option or the PROF_startingPort option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


If administrative security is enabled in the deployment manager that is to federate the custom profile, specify the administrative user password of the deployment manager.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
No No No Yes


If administrative security is enabled in the deployment manager that is to federate the custom profile, specify the administrative user ID of the deployment manager.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
No No No Yes


Host name of the machine of the deployment manager that is to federate the custom profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
No No No Yes


SOAP port of the deployment manager that is to federate the custom profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
No No No Yes


Name of the profile for the deployment manager profile that is part of the cell profile.

The profile name must be unique for this WebSphere Application Server installation and cell.

Valid values are a string with valid characters.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No No No


Choose whether to enable administrative security during the installation process.

Set the createProfile option to true.

Set the installLocation option to your existing installation root directory.

Set the profileType option.

Set other appropriate profile options (PROF_ options) for your type of profile.

If profileType="custom" or profileType="none", set this option to false. Valid values are:


Administrative security is enabled. You must specify a user name and a password.

Write down the user name and password. You cannot log onto the console without it. You cannot use WAS at all unless you know the ID and password.


Administrative security is not enabled.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes


Host name of the machine where the profile is to reside.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes

The host name is the DNS name (short or long) or the IP address of this computer.


Set a default profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes

The default profile is the default target for commands issued against an anonymous profile, such as commands issued from...

Issuing a command from the bin directory of another profile sets the command window to address the other profile, and not the default profile. Opening a new command window targets anonymous commands to the default profile again.


Specify a unique node name for the profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes

The node name must be unique within the WAS environment.


Omit the specified configuration action for the cell node.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No No No


Omit the specified configuration action.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Path to a property file containing the desired port values.

Valid values are a valid file path default WAS port settings.

Do not use this parameter with the PROF_defaultPorts option or the PROF_startingPort option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Set the profile name.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
No Yes Yes Yes

Name of the profile. The profile name must be unique for this WAS installation or for the cell to which it might belong at some time.

Valid values are a string with valid characters.


Fully qualified file path to the profile_root directory.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes Yes

Specify a valid directory to contain the files that define the run-time profile environment, such as commands, configuration files, and log files.

[Windows] If the directory contains spaces, enclose the path in double-quotes.

Valid values are a valid directory path.


Server name for the stand-alone appserver profile, for the deployment manager, or for the federated appserver that is part of the cell profile.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No

Each stand-alone appserver profile or each federated appserver profile can have a server named server1, for example. Server names have to be unique within a profile, but not within a cell or within an installation.


Starting port number for generating all ports for the profile. If not specified, the profile uses default ports specified in the serverindex.xml file.

Do not use this parameter with the PROF_portsFile option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Uncomment the option to validate that no conflicts exist within the selected ports.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Specify whether you wish to define a Web server definition.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Host name of the system with the Web server.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Local or remote installation path of the Web server.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Name of the Web server.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Operating system of the system where the Web server runs.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Path to the Web server plug-in for the Web server.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Access port of the Web server, such as port 80.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Type of web server.

Requires the PROF_webServerCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes No Yes No


Type of windows service to create.

Requires the PROF_winserviceCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Choose whether to run the server process as a Windows service.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Start up method for the windows service.

Requires the PROF_winserviceCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


Password for the windows service.

Requires the PROF_winserviceCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No


User name for the windows service.

Requires the PROF_winserviceCheck option.

Cell Deployment Manager Application Server Custom
Yes Yes Yes No



Install WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment with the Installation wizard user interface


See Installing the product and additional software for more information about installing with the Installation wizard.

Install WAS Network Deployment from the command line

install -options /tmp/was/my_response_file.txt -silent

Contents of /tmp/was/my_response_file.txt

-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="false"
-OPT feature="samplesSelected"
-OPT installLocation="app_server_root"
-OPT installType="installNew"
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT traceFormat=ALL
-OPT traceLevel=INFO

Create a cell profile from the command line

install -options /tmp/was/my_response_file2.txt -silent

Contents of /tmp/was/my_response_file2.txt

-OPT allowNonRootSilentInstall="false"
-OPT installLocation="app_server_root"
-OPT installType="createProfile"
-OPT profileType="cell"
-OPT silentInstallLicenseAcceptance="true"
-OPT traceFormat=ALL
-OPT traceLevel=INFO
-OPT PROF_appServerNodeName="cellappnode01"
-OPT PROF_appServerProfileName="cellapp01"
-OPT PROF_cellName="dmgrcell01"
-OPT PROF_defaultPorts=
-OPT PROF_dmgrProfileName="dmgr01"
-OPT PROF_enableAdminSecurity="false"
-OPT PROF_hostName="5.55.555.555"
-OPT PROF_isDefault=
-OPT PROF_nodeName="dmgrnode"
-OPT PROF_profilePath="profile_root"
-OPT PROF_serverName="server01"
-OPT PROF_validatePorts=
-OPT PROF_webServerCheck="true"
-OPT PROF_webServerHostname="5.55.555.555"
-OPT PROF_webServerInstallPath="Web_server_root"
-OPT PROF_webServerName="IHS01"
-OPT PROF_webServerOS="linux"
-OPT PROF_webServerPluginPath="plugins_root"
-OPT PROF_webServerPort="80"
-OPT PROF_webServerType="IHS"

See Installing silently for more information about using the installation wizard in silent mode, without the graphical user interface.



Examine... verify that there were no file system or other unusual errors while installing. If there are problems, correct them, and reinstall the product. WAS uses return codes to indicate the results of an installation operation:

Return codes are in use in the following components on the following operating systems.

Operating System WAS Application Client IBM HTTP Server Web Server Plug-ins Application Server Toolkit Edge Components Update Installer (UPDI)
Operating system such as AIX or Linux Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

[Windows] ISMP does not set exit codes on Windows due to a limitation. Consult the install log to determine success or failure.

The exit codes for the Application Client are different than the V6.0 exit codes, which are “1=success” and “0=failure”.

Partial success means that some portion of the installation failed but the installation is still at least partially usable. The failure is recoverable. Once recovered, the installation is completely usable. Consult the log to determine the exact failure and what, if any, corrective action can be taken.


Related tasks

Installing the product and additional software


Related Reference file


Related information

Operating system registry keys
Limitations of non-root installers


Reference topic