<portal-theme-ext/> tags
The <portal-theme-ext/> tags provide extended functionality to enhance portal themes.
The following table provides a brief description of each tag.
Do not use portal tags in portlet JSPs.. The tags mentioned below are only for use in theme and skin JSPS.
Tag Description <portal-theme-ext:initthemepolicy/> Used to get the theme policy for the current page. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtension/> Used to locate the theme extensions that are defined by the plugin.xml. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionLoop/> Used for iterating through all of the extensions that are defined in the plugin.xml. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemTooltip/> Prints the tool tip for the extension if available. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemText/> Prints the text associated with the extension. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemUrl/> Streams the URL associated with the current ThemeLinkItem to the output stream. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionItemIconUrl/> Creates a URL for the extension icon. <portal-theme-ext:themeExtensionRenderInclude/> Renders extensions which use the com.ibm.portal.theme.plugin.ThemeInclude interface.
Detailed descriptions of the <portal-theme/> tags
The following section provides detailed descriptions of the <portal-theme/> JSP tags:
Related information
- Designing
- Layout of the portal page
- Customizing the portal
- Creating custom links to portlets and pages
- Deploying customized themes and skins
- WML tags used by the portal JSPs
- Troubleshooting portal design