Designing WebSphere Portal v6
WebSphere Portal provides a predefined portal page that is available to use immediately after the product is installed and started. Users can change the appearance and layout of the portal by using the portal Web-based user interface to switch to other predefined visual elements and layouts that are provided by WebSphere Portal.
This section describes how to further customize the portal pages to conform to the appearance and requirements of the organization Web site, including adding, removing, or changing text, colors, images, links, borders, and even the layout of the portal page. Much of this work involves editing the JSPs and the CSS files that provide the HTML markup and visual styles for portal screens, themes, and skins. To view the changes without restarting the portal server.
The information contained in these topics describe how to develop and test custom elements of the portal, such as themes and skins. After these elements have been successfully tested and are ready for production, make sure you follow the steps in Deploying customized themes and skins. If you do not, themes and skins that are placed directly into the file system for testing will be erased when the WebSphere Portal EAR is redeployed.
Related information
- Layout of the portal page
- Customize the portal
- Deploy the portal
- Create URLs from themes and skins
- Deploy customized themes and skins
- Tags used by the portal JSPs
- WML tags used by the portal JSPs
- Troubleshoot portal design