Troubleshoot portal design



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  1. Recovering from a faulty theme
  2. Administrative portlets fail on pages that use customized themes
  3. Preview page does not display
  4. Garbage words may be displayed in portlet page
  5. We cannot search for a portlet in a language other than English
  6. Formatting and JavaScript problems in rendered Portal page


Recovering from a faulty theme

If the portal is configured to use a theme that contains errors, the affected portal pages might not display or might display incorrectly. To avoid this problem, be sure to test and debug a theme before it is used on the portal. If a faulty theme is installed, perform the following procedure to remove it from the system:

  1. Stop WebSphere Portal.

  2. Delete the subdirectory for the faulty theme...

    The themes folder contains a subdirectory for each markup type. The faulty theme would be in a folder below one of the markup-type subdirectories.

  3. Start WebSphere Portal.

  4. Log in to the portal as administrator.

  5. Click...

    Administration | Portal User Interface | Themes and Skins.

  6. Delete the faulty theme.


Administrative portlets fail on pages that use customized themes

Problem: When one of the administrative portlets is placed on a page with a customized theme, or a customized theme has been applied to the portal administrative pages, the portlet could fail with a null pointer exception written to the log file. This problem can also occur if the portlet is launched in a new window that uses the customized theme.

Cause: The administrative portlet requires certain request parameters for processing. These parameters are made available to the portlet using the <portal:adminNavHelper/> tag.

Solution: If use an administrative portlet with a customized theme, edit the parent page of the theme, typically Default.jsp, and add the following lines:

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/tld/portal-internal.tld" prefix="wps" %>

You should also make the same changes to Plain.jsp for the theme. This file can be used to open portlets in a new window.


Preview page does not display

Problem: If a user is setting the theme for a page or the skin for a portlet, the preview icon does not work if the theme or skin directory name contains double byte character set (DBCS) characters.

Solution: This is a current limitation. To avoid this problem, do not use DBCS characters in the directory name for new themes and skins.


Garbage words may be displayed in portlet page

Problem: If a user changes the browser language, some garbage words may be displayed in the portlet page.

Cause: Some strings are cached in the session for performance reasons and will only change when the session is re-created (usually during login). This can occur in all languages and will vary from portlet to portlet since caching requirements also vary.

Solution: This is a current limitation. Log out then log back in to solve the problem.


We cannot search for a portlet in a language other than English

Problem: When you are navigating a portal using a language other than English, we cannot search for the portlet from the portlet list.

Solution: Set the portlet name using the specific language for this portlet. Portlet management will use the portlet name in the browser language to search for the portlet. This is a current limitation.


Formatting and JavaScript problems in rendered Portal page

Problem: Formatting problems and JavaScript console errors and warnings occur when a page is rendering. Formatting problems may include such things as excess white space, alignment issues, and truncation. These problems may occur due to inconsistencies in the way different browsers render markup as well as differences due to the DocType specified for the page. This can be a particular problem when a "strict" DocType is specified but the markup is created based on an older "transitional" ("quirks" mode) DocType.

Solution: Ensure that theme and portlet output are consistent with the DocType specified by the theme the page uses. Either set the theme to use a different DocType or update the rendered markup to be compatible with the selected DocType.