New features of this documentation

Overview and new features

These topics describe how the documentation is organized, and also provide links to relevant "what is new" topics, for example: Overview and new features for administering applications and their environments.

Conceptual overviews

These topics suggest what to read for a conceptual overview, for example: Administering applications and their environments

New in this release

These topics describe what is new, with information organized by role so that one can focus on what interests you. See What is new in this release.
    Start with the programming model Focus on specific technologies with the new WebSphere applications section.

To start using this feature, see its WebSphere applications: Overview and new features for a conceptual overview, or start in a particular application type from the quick links that are available in WebSphere applications.     Increase your skills and confidence The documentation highlights tutorials and samples that are relevant to what you are doing. Jump right into tutorials and samples featuring a particular application types from the quick links available in WebSphere applications.     Troubleshoot more effectively The troubleshooting documentation is more informative and convenient.

Find additional information Didn't find exactly what we need in the information center? It is just one part of a set of online information sources that complement one another. Now one can find these additional sources of information more easily with improvements to Web resources for learning.

PDF versions are available, if you prefer them to the information center. Consider taking the one minute tour of the buttons on the information center border. You are invited to provide feedback about additional features that you want to see.


See Also

the documentation