Configure authentication mechanisms
Configure authentication mechanisms by clicking...Security > Global security | Authentication MechanismsFor LTPA, follow the steps in Configure single signon for most situations. If trust association is required, follow the steps in Configure trust association interceptors.
See also
Configure LTPA
Trust associations
Configure trust association interceptors
Single signon
Configure single signon
Single signon using WebSEAL or the TAM plug-in for Web servers
Create a trusted user account in TAM
Configure WebSEAL for use with WAS
Configure TAM plug-in for Web servers for use with WAS
Configure single signon using the trust association interceptor
Configure single signon using trust association interceptor ++
Global signon principal mapping
Configure global signon principal mapping
The TAM com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.PDJrteCfg utility
The TAM com.tivoli.pd.jcfg.SvrSslCfg utility
See Also
LTPA settings