Global signon principal mapping
The TAM JACC provider can be used to manage authentication to WebSphere Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) such as databases, transaction processing systems and message queue systems using the GSO Principal Mapper JAAS login module for J2C.
With GSO principal mapping, a special-purpose JAAS login module inserts a credential into the subject header. Used by the resource adapter to authenticate to the EIS. The JAAS login module used is configured on a per-connection factory basis. The default principal mapping module retrieves the user name and password information from XML configuration files. The Tivoli Access Manager JACC provider bypasses the credential stored in the XML configuration files and instead uses the Tivoli Access Manager GSO database to provide the EIS security domain authentication information.
WebSphere Application Server provides a default principal mapping module that associates user credential information with EIS resources. The default mapping module is defined in the WAS administration console on the application login panel. To access the panel, click Security > Global security. Under JAAS configuration, click Application logins. The mapping module name is DefaultPrincipalMapping.
The EIS security domain user ID and password are defined under each connection factory by an authDataAlias attribute. The authDataAlias attribute does not contain the user name and password, it contains an alias that refers to a user name and password pair defined elsewhere.
The Tivoli Access Manager Principal Mapping module uses the authDataAlias to determine the GSO resource name and user name required to perform the lookup on the Tivoli Access Manager GSO database. It is the Tivoli Access Manager Policy Server which retrieves the GSO data from the registry.
Tivoli Access Manager stores authentication information on the Tivoli Access Manager GSO database against a resource/user name pair.
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