Migration Information
- Migration Information
- Summary of changes
- Changes for this edition (plug-in version
- Introduction to WebSphere MQ V6.0 migration
- 64-bit queue manager migration information
- 32-bit and 64-bit files
- COBOL copybooks
- Internet Protocol V6 (IPv6) Migration
- WebSphere MQ platforms that support IPv6
- Key points
- Considerations when implementing IPv6 in a network
- Migrating a queue manager to IPv6
- Migrating a cluster to IPv6
- Abbreviated migration scenarios
- Migrating Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Connections
- Determining if SSL connections have been set up
- SSL migration steps
- Step 1: Ensuring complete certificate chains
- SSL certificates and certificate chains
- Why ensure complete SSL certificate chains
- Where WebSphere MQ certificate stores are located
- How to check for complete certificate chains
- Adding missing CA certificates into certificate stores
- If WebSphere MQ version 6.0 has already been installed
- Step 2: Migrating SSL certificates into GSKit database files
- Using the wizard to schedule certificate migration
- Using the AMQTCERT (Transfer Certificates) command
- Automatically transferring for all queue managers
- Automatically transferring for a specified queue manager
- Automatically transferring for clients
- Manually transferring for a specified queue manager
- Reasons and remedies for failed certificate transfer
- Step 3: Converting CRLs and ARLs
- Step 4: Ensuring SSLPEER values have correctly ordered OU entries
- Why we need to check for correctly ordered OU entries
- How to display and change SSLPEER values
- SSL inter-working issue between WebSphere MQ versions
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS migration
- Additional migration information
- Channel migration
- MQCD Version
- DCE support
- External Transaction Manager XA support
- Java archive (JAR) file com.ibm.mqbind.jar
- Queue manager attributes SCHINIT and SCMDSERV
- Starting and stopping services and listeners
- UNIX directory permissions
- High availability clustering
- WebSphere MQ transport for SOAP
- WebSphere MQ for AIX
- Migrating from UDP
- WebSphere MQ for Linux
- Migrating from earlier versions
- Migrating the ccsid.tbl file from MQSeries V5.2 to WebSphere MQ V6.0
- Migrating the WebSphere MQ Explorer
- Error connecting to a migrated queue manger
- Using environment variables
- WebSphere MQ for Windows
- PL/I support
- WebSphere MQ service objects
- Migrating the WebSphere MQ Explorer
- Error connecting to a migrated queue manager
- WebSphere MQ for z/OS
- Migrating from AMI