Step 1: Ensuring WebSphere MQ certificate stores contain complete certificate chains


This section deals with ensuring that complete certificate chains exist in the WebSphere MQ certificate store. This should be completed before installing WebSphere MQ V6.0.

WebSphere MQ V6.0 uses the Global Security Toolkit (GSKit) to manage SSL certificates. Before installing WebSphere MQ V6.0 ensure that all WebSphere MQ certificate stores contain complete certificate chains.

In Step 2: Migrating SSL certificates to Global Security Toolkit key database files, it gives guidance on migrating certificates used by WebSphere MQ V5.3 queue managers and WebSphere MQ clients into key database files for use with Global Security Toolkit.

As an alternative to Step 1: Ensuring WebSphere MQ certificate stores contain complete certificate chains and Step 2: Migrating SSL certificates to Global Security Toolkit key database files, we can manually configure a key database for each queue manager and WebSphere MQ client and import SSL certificates directly into it without migrating them. See 'Working with the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) on UNIX and Windows systems' in the WebSphere MQ V6.0 Security book for details of how to do this. You will still need to complete Step 3: Ensuring Certificate Revocation Lists are in the correct format and Step 4: Ensuring SSLPEER values have correctly ordered OU entries.

The following sections give the background and necessary steps for "Ensuring WebSphere MQ certificate stores contain complete certificate chains":


Parent topic:

SSL migration steps
