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Interface PropertyBrokerContextPassingService

public interface PropertyBrokerContextPassingService

An interface used to pass context information to portlets. The context is a set of property values which is provided by a portlet and can be either delivered to multiple portlets in the target page (the page may be dynamically launched or may be a static page) or a special portlet in the current page. Context is only delivered to portlets which indicate that they are prepared to receive it, and additional filtering of the context may be applied for each target portlet if the target portlet has specified such an option.


Method Summary
 void changedProperties(org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletRequest request, com.ibm.portal.ObjectID targetPageId, PropertyValue[] pageContext)
           This method is invoked to pass an array of property values (referred to as context) to be passed to portlets on the page identified by the target page id.
 void changedPropertiesForPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletRequest request, com.ibm.portal.ObjectID targetPortletWindowId, PropertyValue[] context)
           This method is invoked to pass an array of property values (referred to as context) to be passed to the portlet identified by the target portlet window id.

Method Detail


public void changedProperties(org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                              com.ibm.portal.ObjectID targetPageId,
                              PropertyValue[] pageContext)
                       throws PropertyBrokerServiceException

This method is invoked to pass an array of property values (referred to as context) to be passed to portlets on the page identified by the target page id. The properties are delivered using the setProperties method to legacy portlets which implement the com.ibm.wps.pb.portlet.PropertyListener interface, and by using a special portlet action for JSR 168 compliant portlets which indicate that they wish to participate in receiving the context.

A legacy portlet which wishes to participate in receiving the context must set a portlet config attribute named com.ibm.portal.context.enable and set its value to true. Such portlets will be passed the context through invocation of the setProperties method in the com.ibm.wps.pb.portlet.PropertyListener interface. The set of properties passed via the map may be filtered from the context if the target portlet indicates that additional filtering should be applied, as part of its deployment descriptor information. Filtering can be specified by using a portlet config attribute called com.ibm.portal.context.filtertype. Recognised values are "filter-none", when no filtering is applied; "filter-on-type", when filtering is applied on the property type, and "filter-on-name-and-type", when filtering is applied on property name and type.

The context is scoped to the current user session, and is stored by the property broker from the time this method is invoked to the time the target page is next viewed in the session, at which point the context is distributed.

PropertyBrokerServiceException is thrown for any errors. It is an error to invoke this method more than once in a single request. This behavior may change in future releases.

request - a PortletRequest object corresponding to the current portlet request triggering the passing of the context
targetPageId - an ObjectID corresponding to the target page to which the context is to be passed
pageContext - an array of PropertyValue objects representing the context to be distributed to the portlets on the target page
PropertyBrokerServiceException - if any error is encountered

The runtime exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown if any of the values in the pageContext are not valid e.g. missing required fields

See Also:
PropertyValue, PropertyListener, PropertyBrokerServiceException


public void changedPropertiesForPortlet(org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.PortletRequest request,
                                        com.ibm.portal.ObjectID targetPortletWindowId,
                                        PropertyValue[] context)
                                 throws PropertyBrokerServiceException

This method is invoked to pass an array of property values (referred to as context) to be passed to the portlet identified by the target portlet window id. The properties are delivered using the setProperties method to legacy portlets which implement the com.ibm.wps.pb.portlet.PropertyListener interface.

A legacy portlet which wishes to participate in receiving the context must set a portlet config attribute named com.ibm.portal.context.enable and set its value to true. Such portlets will be passed the context through invocation of the setProperties method in the com.ibm.wps.pb.portlet.PropertyListener interface. The set of properties passed via the map may be filtered from the context if the target portlet indicates that additional filtering should be applied, as part of its deployment descriptor information. Filtering can be specified by using a portlet config attribute called com.ibm.portal.context.filtertype. Recognised values are "filter-none", when no filtering is applied; "filter-on-type", when filtering is applied on the property type, and "filter-on-name-and-type", when filtering is applied on property name and type.

This method must not be invoked outside of the event phase. The context will be distributed in the current event cycle..

request - a PortletRequest object corresponding to the current portlet request triggering the passing of the context
targetPortletWindowId - an ObjectID corresponding to the target portlet window to which the context is to be passed
context - an array of PropertyValue objects representing the context to be distributed to the target portlet
PropertyBrokerServiceException - if any error is encountered

The runtime exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is thrown if any of the values in the context are not valid e.g. missing required fields

See Also:
PropertyValue, PropertyListener, PropertyBrokerServiceException

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