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Interface PropertyValue

public interface PropertyValue

This interface is for use by portlets written to the IBM API. An analogous interface com.ibm.portal.propertybroker.property.PropertyValue is available for portlets written to the JSR-168 API.

Encapsulates a property with its value and an optional reason indicating why the policy change. Instances of this interface are passed by the Property Broker to portlets implementing the PropertyListener interface through the setProperties method and from portlets to the Property Broker through the changedProperties method of the PropertyBrokerService interface.

See Also:
Property, PropertyListener, PropertyBrokerService, com.ibm.portal.propertybroker.property.PropertyValue

Field Summary
static java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_CREATED
          The property value change was triggered due to the property value being created.
static java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_DELETED
          The property value change was triggered due to the property value being deleted.
static java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_QUERIED
          The property value change was triggered due to the property value being queried.
static java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
          The property value change was triggered but the reason for change is unspecified.
static java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_UPDATED
          The property value change was triggered due to the property value being updated.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getChangeType()
          Returns the reason for the property value change.
 Property getProperty()
          Returns the Property part of this object.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Returns the value of the Property.

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_CREATED
The property value change was triggered due to the property value being created.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_UPDATED
The property value change was triggered due to the property value being updated.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_DELETED
The property value change was triggered due to the property value being deleted.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_QUERIED
The property value change was triggered due to the property value being queried.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String CHANGE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED
The property value change was triggered but the reason for change is unspecified.

See Also:
Constant Field Values

Method Detail


public Property getProperty()
Returns the Property part of this object.

the Property part of this object


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Returns the value of the Property. Will be an instance of the java class associated with the Property.

the value of the Property.


public java.lang.String getChangeType()
Returns the reason for the property value change. Will be one of the "CHANGE_TYPE" constants defined in this class.

the reason for the property value change

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