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IBM WebSphere PortalTM

Package  com.ibm.wps.pb.service

Interface Summary
PropertyBrokerServiceThis interface is for use by portlets written to the IBM portlet API.
PropertyBrokerContextPassingServiceAn interface used to pass context information to portlets.

Exception Summary
IllegalStateExceptionThrown by methods implemented by PropertyBrokerService to indicate that a method was invoked when the portlet was in an invalid state, for example, in the render phase when it is required to be in the event phase.
PropertyBrokerServiceExceptionThis is the root class for all checked exceptions thrown by the Property Broker.
InvalidPropertyExceptionThrown by public methods in the com.ibm.wps.pb package to indicate that a property is invalid, for example missing a required field.

Package Description

This package contains the public interface PropertyBrokerService provided by the Property Broker to portlet written to the IBM portlet API. The public exceptions declared in the public interface methods of the Property Broker are also defined in this package. @ibm-api @since 5.0

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IBM WebSphere PortalTM


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